the railway workers accepted a 37.5% wage increase and a bonus of 15 thousand pesos


The four railway unions agree a 37.5% salary increase until March then, and a bonus of 15 thousand pesos.

The deal will include a review clause in October. In addition, it includes other non-remunerative amounts and the extraordinary and unique bonus of 15 thousand pesos

Guilds are the Union of Railways, Brotherhood, hierarchical of (APDFA) Yes flaggers (ASFA).

The signed text indicates that it was agreed to incorporate in various salary scales “the increase in the total gross salary, including the base salary and all bonuses, daily allowances and current antiques”.

Regarding the clause indicating the future revision of the agreement, it was reported that “it was agreed to meet from October 1 of this year in order to monitor and assess the situation of salary conditions” .

“Negotiations are in progress with the companies Ferrovías SAC and Metrovías SA in the same direction as what was previously indicated”, is indicated in the minutes.

Source: Telam


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