The Rapinoe speech that goes around the world


After his conflict with Donald Trump, Megan Rapinoe was in the center of the stage. The player who opened the way in the final against the Netherlands with a penalty and who won the Golden Ball, the Golden Boot and the MVP title in the final gave a speech of departure and meaning in New York.

In the most formal part of celebrations for the Bicampeonato del Mundo and the fourth star for American distribution, Rapinoe did not target Donald Trump directly, but he also uploaded a message to everyone.

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"We have to be better, we have to love more and hate less, listen more and talk less, it's everyone's responsibility, it's our responsibility to make the world a better place," he said. in one of his strongest sentences.

His message, which lasts more than three minutes and aims to improve the world and is part of the problem for all, is the counterpart of two cold tweets with which Trump congratulated the two world champions.

Part of your message

"We must be better, love more, listen more and talk less, it is the responsibility of each of us, of those who are here and of those who are not here, it is everyone's responsibility to make this world The team did an amazing job.

We understand our platform, yes we are athletes, yes we play football, yes we are female athletes, but we are more than that, you are more than amateurs, you must act for your communities every day, how you improve your community, your family, etc … It's everyone's responsibility. It's time to be together, we need to collaborate, it's my advice: do what you can, be better than you've been, and this team is a representation of what you can do if you do that. "



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