The reaction of celebrities after the announcement of the first results of national elections


After 22:30, the first results of the simultaneous and compulsory primary elections were announced: the total front was imposed of 15 points together for the change. The space led by Alberto Fernández obtained 47.65% of the votes, against 32.08% of Mauricio Macri.

The opinions of celebrities, who recently clarified their political position, did not wait.

Some figures from the show last night ended the day smiling and others were somewhat disappointed.

It's democracy. You just have to be worthy, congratulate the winners and respect their opinion. And remind us that elections are taking place in October and we should not give up.

– Juan José Campanella (@juancampanella)
August 12, 2019

4 years old I bet (almost) alone.
Do not ask me to think now.
I just want to cry with happiness.
For people who have had a bad time.
Why he missed laburo.
For my 4000 colleagues who lost what they liked to do.
As Máximo said: wait a little longer.
Work for the 10/27

– Diego Brancatelli (@diegobranca)
August 12, 2019

Alfredo Casero made a live broadcast from Spain, where he is based two months ago, to express his regrets.

The actor asked his supporters to "think the next time" before going to vote. If Alberto Fernández wins in the next elections "we will make a default, with a guy who says we will not pay, we will have quilombo and the country risk will increase a lot," added the artist.

Today won Lázaro Báez
Today, Milagro Sala has won.
Today has won Julio De Vido
Today, Luis D & Elia has won
CFK won today
Today also won Maduro, Iran and Castroism
And it seems that they only come back.
Thank you Espert
Thank you Lavagna
Thank you Gomez Centurion.
Soon, we are Venezuela thanks to you all.

– Flor Pedraza (@FlorPedrazaa)
August 12, 2019

We always correct the problems generated by others …..#Alberto

– Nancy Dupláa (@ NancyDupla5)
August 12, 2019

The drunk aunt who advises you at 5 o'clock

– Gonzalo Heredia. (@Gonzaloherediao)
August 12, 2019

I'll sit in front of the television for an ice cream dinner and make myself one that I understand politically.

– (@baronjimena)
August 11, 2019

The most concerned about the results today is Bolsonaro.

– luciana salazar (@ lulipop07)
August 12, 2019

In this note:


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