The reaction of Chapo's wife to hearing the verdict of the court that found him guilty of drug trafficking


After hearing the jury's decision declaring him guilty of drug trafficking, Chapo Guzmán, former leader of the Sinaloa cartel, looked at his young wife Emma Coronel, mother of her seven-year-old twins, smiling slightly, as if to rebadure her, then right hand in the heart.

In front of the defendant's bench, she was 29, wearing tight black pants and a green jacket. The woman replied to her husband's gesture: he raised his thumb with his right hand, crossed his hands on his chest, and he sent her a kiss before the deputies withdraw it quickly from the room.

Emma Colonel raised her thumb with her right hand, crossed her hands over her chest and sent him a kiss. (Reuters)
Emma Colonel raised her thumb with her right hand, crossed her hands over her chest and sent him a kiss. (Reuters)

Who has been one of the most famous drug lords in the world, a jury in New York City said on Tuesday guilty of all the charges after a huge lawsuit in which the US government presented devastating evidence.

Emma Colonel raised her thumb with her right hand, crossed her hands over her chest and sent him a kiss. (Reuters)
Emma Colonel raised her thumb with her right hand, crossed her hands over her chest and sent him a kiss. (Reuters)

After a trial of three months and 35 hours of deliberations over six days, the jury estimated that Joaquín "Chapo" Guzmán, 61, had examined biggest drug dealer on the planet after the death of the Colombian Pablo Escobar, he is guilty 10 crimes of drug trafficking, possession of weapons and washing of the money of which he has been accused.

The researchers gathered a lot of tests against him. During the trial, they not only submitted photos, videos and wiretaps, but also 14 former members of the group. the leader of the Sinaloa cartel.

Emma Coronel before hearing the verdict. (Reuters)
Emma Coronel before hearing the verdict. (Reuters)

US law states that because of the seriousness of the charges, the former Sinaloa cartel official must be sentenced to life imprisonment mandatory Judge Brian Cogan set his sentence on June 25, but the defense announced that she would appeal the verdict.


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