the reactions of the opposition to the convocation of Hernán Lacunza


After the media presentation of the new Minister of Finance, Hernán Lacunzawhen he stated that he would convene all political spaces, the main parties have expressed their position in this regard:

Marco Lavagna, in dialogue with Discover He said, "It seems right, it's time for the deepest discussion"However, he issued a warning:" I hope it's a call that it's not just for the picture. "

The national deputy said that of the federal consensus will attend the meeting and from there, they will present their point of view: "We make proposals all the time, we will listen to what they have to say to us. What we believe is necessary is necessary to renegotiate with the Monetary Fund now. "

On his Twitter account, the presidential candidate, Roberto Lavagna, insisted on the need for a dialogue and confirmed that he was accepting the call. In addition, he recalled his position of suspending the electoral campaign until the economic situation stabilizes.

According to our vocation of dialogue and consensus, in #federal consents We accepted the invitation of the Minister of Finance and Energy. Therefore, our technicians are available to provide opinions and proposals for stabilization purpose.

– Roberto Lavagna (@RLavagna) August 20, 2019

From the left Christian "Chipi" Castillo PTS reference badured that "the discussion must be in the framework of the Congress but it does not make sense » He added: "There is a gap between what the government proposes and what we propose. We believe that it is necessary to establish a trigger clause, lower tariffs, preserve wages, "he said. The leaders of the Workers' Party, another member of the Left Front, called directly for "breaking with the Fund" and nationalizing the banks.

Lacunza gives guarantees to the IMF. Sandleris promises to supplement the reserves to contain the dollar. Thus, Argentina is inexorably bankrupt. There is a way out: break with the Fund, nationalize the banking sector, foreign trade and the energy sector. This is the approach of the FIT-U.

– Romina Del Plá (@RominaDelPla) August 20, 2019

For their part, the proximity of the economic referents of the Front de Todos ensured that they have not yet maintained contact with the government's economic team they have not received any communication either. "For now it's a sentence from a speech and there were no previous contacts or a formal call"said Guillermo Nielsen.

The ultra-liberal economist, José Luis Espert, Candidate for the presidency of the forehead of Eveil, said that he would participate in the call announced by Lacunza, that he described as "a good professional and a better person".

On the American front, which leads the old carapintada Juan José Gómez Centurión, told the media that the economic team led by Agustín Monteverde will attend the call.


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