The real requirements for traveling to Spain: what …


It is difficult to imagine how many Argentines were thinking of going to Spain in the coming days, one dares to think that they are very few, but the new entry conditions set by the Spanish government for “passengers coming from of countries or areas at risk “are they have become fundamental news for the main Argentinian media. For a change, they managed to afflict all potential travelers with truncated or false information. In reality, Any Argentinian who does not suffer from the disease can do so if he respects the rules set by the respective decree..

The headlines focused on highlighting that people vaccinated with Sputnik V did not meet the requirement to be immunized with drugs approved by the WHO or the European authority (a process that is yet to be completed in weeks to come), and even WHO had received AstraZeneca could not claim victory until they had applied both doses. Everything to continue to attack the vaccines that are applied in Argentina.

What does the decree say

But you had to look with a magnifying glass to find, if the note somewhere explained it, that the requirement to be vaccinated is only one of three available for travel to Spain. Respect for one of them allows entry. In its article 5, the decree says verbatim:

“Passengers from countries or areas at risk, considered as such on the basis of the assessment of their epidemiological situation at any time, will be required to certify one of the following health requirements:

a) Certificate attesting that the holder has received a vaccine against COVID-19 (vaccination certificate).

b) Certificate indicating the result of a diagnostic test for active COVID-19 infection that the holder has performed (diagnostic certificate).

c) Certificate confirming that the holder has recovered from COVID-19 (certificate of recovery). “

In other words, if you are not vaccinated or are vaccinated with a vaccine not yet approved by the WHO, you can travel by carrying out a PCR within 48 hours before the flight or by presenting an official exit certificate after having undergone the disease. .

In other words: despite the efforts made by some Argentinian journalists, in any case the brand of vaccines will not prevent anyone from making the long-awaited trip.

Details of the three conditions in the Spanish decree

Vaccination certificate

Vaccination certificates issued by the competent authorities of the country of origin will be accepted as valid from 14 days after the date of administration of the last dose of the complete vaccination schedule. Vaccines accepted will be those authorized by the European Medicines Agency or those that have completed the World Health Organization emergency use process.

The vaccination certificate must include at least the following information:

1. Name and first name of the owner.

2. Date of vaccination, indicating the date of the last dose administered.

3. Type of vaccine administered.

4. Number of doses administered / complete regimen.

5. Country of issue.

6. Identification of the body issuing the vaccination certificate.

Diagnostic certificate

The diagnostic test certificates for active COVID-19 infection with a negative result issued within 48 hours before arrival in Spain will be accepted as valid.

Acceptable diagnostic tests for SARS-CoV-2 infection will be:

1. Molecular nucleic acid amplification (NAAT) assays, used to detect the presence of ribonucleic acid (RNA) of SARS-CoV-2;

2. The antigen detection tests included in the common list of tests for the rapid detection of antigens for COVID-19, published by the European Commission on the basis of Council recommendation 2021 / C 24/01.

The diagnostic test certificate must include at least the following information:

1. Name and first name of the owner.

2. Date of sample collection.

3. Type of test performed.

4. Country of origin.

Certificate of recovery

Recovery certificates issued by the competent authority or by a medical service will be accepted as valid at least 11 days after the completion of the first NAAT diagnostic test with a positive result. The validity of the certificate will end 180 days from the date the sample was taken.

The trade-in certificate must include at least the following information:

1. Name and first name of the owner.

2. Date of collection of the first positive diagnostic test for SARS-CoV-2.

3. Type of NAAT test performed.

4. Country of origin.


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