The reason why Maria Julia Oliván refused to return to public television


In the last few hours it became apparent that after his experience as a 678 pilot, Maria Julia Oliván had agreed to go back to public television to do a news program together Julieta Pink. However, Exitoin He contacted the reporter, who is on vacation in Miami, and revealed that although there was an offer, she rejected it..

"A month ago It was proposed to drive, alone, an information broadcast on public television, every day, half an hour and with a strong presence of gender issues. But while the idea tempted me, like other offers I thank God for receiving this year, I continue with the same decision to devote myself to Antonio and not to do televisionand only the journalism of my portal and my radio show, "he explained.

I was offered to direct a newscast with a strong presence of the genre theme

It must be remembered that a month ago, Maria Julia was counting the heartbreaking fight he's leading for his son, who has a communication and language disorder this would imply it in the autistic spectrum. For this reason, he decided to leave his place in Intratables, the American program in which he was as a panelist. "I want to be closer to Antonio, my son, at this point in his life, I need to be close to him because he presents new challenges and I want to accompany him. I think it's where I have to be, although I like this program, "he told Los Angeles de la Mañana on this occasion.

"I do not know if after saying that they had not called Julieta, but this version that was published is not like that", he adds now to Exitoin about the offer of the official channel, the director of the portal Journalism at the border, which also has a radio cycle of the same name in Nackional AM 870. Thus, the reporter will continue to work as a communicator but outside the television screen.

I always have the same decision to devote myself to Antonio and not to do television

Oliván had a memorable step on public television when she was director of 678, the controversial political program that supported the Kirchner government, which it decided to resign for not having agreed on several points, including in the media attacks against other colleagues. "I'm sorry I did not leave when I started to feel bad," he said after he left.

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