The reasons that led to the restriction of the sale of dollars


To a defensive extent, Macri seems willing to avoid the diaspora dollars in banks

Less than two months after the presidential election, the government of
Mauricio Macri began to lower one of the first flags raised by his administration when he came to power and he still blazed unscathed despite the result of
STEP. I just arrived at
Pink house, the management of
change disarmed without shock
Kirchner exchanges shares in foreign currency. This Sunday, however, began to come back on this first achievement with the order of
central bank
authorize the purchase of foreign currency and transfers out of the country.

It's a defensive measure.
Macri seems willing to stumble in politics, but not in the diaspora of bank dollars or the extreme volatility of currencies, which in turn increases the pressure on prices.

The official decision was welcomed with the support provided by the announcements in times of crisis. The government today issued a special edition of the
Official Bulletin just to publish a rule. It is a decree of necessity and urgency signed by the president, but followed by all his ministers. On the two and a half pages through which the standard is extended, half is devoted to explaining the causes that led to this situation.

The DNU which was published this Sunday
The DNU which was published this Sunday Credit: Capture

The first reason is "the uncertainty caused in the financial markets" by various factors that "affected the evolution of the Argentine economy", which led to the adoption
"extraordinary measures".

The rule seeks to control the entry and exit of dollars. What Cristina Kirchner was a virtue for Macri is a stigma

The neat technical prose could well be replaced by a story that goes into the Argentine political mud. From the official point of view, "uncertainty" is named after
Alberto Fernandez, presidential candidate of
Before everyone,
which debuted last week by accusing the IMF – the country's main creditor and also endowed the US $ 5,400 million needed to cover the financial program until December – to be at the origin of the crisis and
He ended by saying that the country was in default.

Without any euphemism for talking about the economy after the electoral defeat, the government recognizes in the standard published today that "it is necessary to adopt temporary and urgent measures to regulate more closely the exchange regime ". In other words: control the entry and exit of dollars. Why
Cristina Kirchner It was a virtue, for Macri it's a stigma. You can then take the personal cost dimension that the DNU implies for each of the signatories.

The language is plastic in the case of writing, but also reading. On the territory of "regulation" of trade, you can build a lax border or the most powerful wall, both for companies and for individuals. A resolution of
The central bank must establish its composition in the coming hours. The first approach is encouraging for the saver: no one will be forced to take money from financial institutions.



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