The reckless assertions of Laura Alonso | Storn …


The head of the anti-corruption bureau, Laura Alonso, launched several sentences last night for her anthology of rabid anti-Kirchnerism. In a fiery defense of the prosecutor Carlos Stornelli, having investigated several crimes – including extortion with the false lawyer Marcelo D'Alessio -, Alonso baderted that "they are attacking Stornelli because" he said. they can not shoot him like a culprit. " Alberto Fiscal) Nisman. "The head of the macrista compared the death of the former head of the AMIA unit with the situation facing one of the leaders of the cause of the photocopies of the notebooks. he not only claimed that Nisman had been murdered – an badessment that was not supported by any judicial conviction – but attributed it directly to Kirchnerism.

Invited to one of the television shows related to the national government, Alonso tried his interpretation on the cause that involves Stornelli, organic and inorganic members of the Federal Intelligence Agency and journalists. "They attack Stornelli because they could not shoot him, as they put it to Nisman, who denounced them for forging a false agreement with Iran and Venezuela," he said. he said referring to the memorandum of understanding to obtain the statement of the Iranian accused for the AMIA attack.

Dedicated to rejecting accusations against the management of Mauricio Macri and to appear in the proceedings against Senator Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, Alonso added that the current government "discovers garbage cans that lived in the basements and even less for years . in Argentina. "

In addition to baderting that the prosecutor was murdered by Kirchnerism, Alonso also compared the democratic period led by Presidents Néstor and Cristina Kirchner to the civil-military dictatorship: "This mafia has been sacked in power. prisoners, others are about to be after oral and public trials where, in front of everyone, they will be condemned as the leaders of the military junta have been convicted for human rights violations ", he concluded.


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