The red circle sees a second Macri mandate, but requires changes


However, they recognize that the Central Bank has all the necessary tools to deal with the eventual increased demand for dollars. This could be done this Monday, given the instability of the markets due to the resumption of the trade war between the United States and China. In addition, they argue that, already in 2018, the place had been dollarized, reaching 6% of GDP. "That's why the demand for dollars is not as important today, " bounded in the city.

In this regard, at the local level in the financial sector, they admit that this trade struggle may affect Argentina, although they point out that they are "more benefits than damage". They argue that "The world is complicated," and they badume that the Federal Reserve – as long as data from the US economy allow – can lower interest rates. They reject the fact that the threats of Donald Trump via social networks to the Federal Reserve will take effect immediately. They also remember that in the main countries of the European Union, the interest rate is negative. This situation is an opportunity for Argentina.

Although they slip, that the government in a second term "You must stop talking on Wall Street" because the country will have little money to borrow, but there is a market for local and foreign investors for the real economy. "Capital is needed to finance lower taxes, explain.

In this regard, they argue that in the interviews with Macri himself or his close relatives, they recognize that in a second direction, one of the axes will work to achieve: a pension reform (essential to maintain the budget balance), a reform of the workforce (but not integral but by sectors in the manner of Vaca Muerta); a laundering of labor (which facilitates the integration of workers), a reduction and simplification of taxes.

Macri himself at La Rural reaffirmed his intention to eliminate withholding taxes. But to reduce taxes, it is essential, say the businessmen, that Argentina broadens its horizon in terms of exports.

"Macri is obsessed with foreign policy and its desire to reduce costs and simplify all operations", comment on those who attend. It's more than the world is complicated not necessarily, according to businessmen, it means harm to the country and they point out that Brexit is an opportunity for Argentina to reach an agreement commercial.

They point out that Argentina has at least five sectors likely to attract local and external investors. These are: the dead cow (essence and oil); Agroindustry, Mines, Pharmaceutical Industry and Tourism. "These are areas where the country has huge potential, " They say that he mentions Macri himself.

A striking fact is that, according to several members of the Red Circle, the president criticizes himself during his first term. "There were errors in diagnosis and execution, They say that he would admit the president.

However, they add that the Macri recognizes the difficulties faced by entrepreneurs because of their past nonconformity. They say that the issue of permanent changes in the rules of the game is precisely one of the recurring fears of entrepreneurs in other countries.

For this reason, Much of the red circle hopes that Macri wins the election because it would, in his view, be a concrete sign that Argentina is changing. "This would be the first time that a non-Peronist politician is ending his term and is re-elected," they said. Also, "despite the change that has affected almost everyone, the popular vote will mean that the siren song of populism will no longer convince," they explain.

And they detail a decline in real wages of 11%, the decline in activity, the increase in the number of business bankruptcies and rising unemployment, to name a few indicators. And if in spite of everything, the vote allows the triumph of Macri, "It will be a very clear signal to the world that Argentina has left the past behind it," They are excited.

Meanwhile, others think that economic mismanagement explains the validity and why not a possible victory for Kirchnerism.


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