The reddish dawn fires in the Amazon and Bolivia


The smoke from the severe fires in the Amazon and Bolivia reached the city of Buenos Aires and gave it your reddish tone in the sky of Buenos Aires at sunrise.

"Smoke it gets very high, that's why we do not smell smoke as when the burning episode of grbadland was ", explained the meteorologist of TN Matías Bertolotti.

A fire in the Amazon rainforest in the state of Rondonia, Brazil. (Photo: Reuters / Ueslei MArcelino).
A fire in the Amazon rainforest in the state of Rondonia, Brazil. (Photo: Reuters / Ueslei MArcelino).

"In this case, the smoke comes from 4,000 kilometers, then it goes up.It takes a lot of time to decant, to fall," he added. "When the wind rises south with the cold air of Patagonia, everything will be cleaned up," concluded Bertolotti.

Daniel Russo, Undersecretary of Civil Protection Operations of the country's Ministry of Security, said Monday that the nearest fire to Argentina is 800 km from Formosa, so "particles of smoke " they are diluted on the way and are not so dangerous to health".

"Whatever the case may be, we are working with the health portfolios of the other provinces of the Department of Health and Social Development of the Nation." At the moment, no one has been affected. he declared.


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