The reform of Alberto's work already has the first short circuits with Moyano


Fernández met Marcos Galperin and approved the flexibility of collective agreements if it is part of an agreement with the guild

On the Thursday preceding PASO, Marcos Galperin, founder of Mercado Libre, made public his support to Mauricio Macri via his Twitter account: "I vote it because I want my children to live in a democratic republic, with an independent judiciary, with freedom of the press and opinions, with individual freedoms and looking towards the future."

A week later, the head of the e-commerce company was received by Alberto Fernández at the premises of the presidential candidate for Kirchnerism, located at 337 Mexico Street. " I came for a dialogue, meeting points, a consensus"said Galperin.

The meeting sounded the alarm among some Fernandez union allies, such as Hugo Moyano and Sergio Palazzo, who distinguish in Galperin a business sector that promotes labor reform, La Nación.

Alberto Fernández was willing to accept the flexibility of collective agreements as long as unions are endorsed. "All that is conventional is a decision of companies and workers. What I do not want is to establish general rules of flexibility. Not everything is the same"said candidate Kirchner.

Fernandez's position would half rebadure Galperin. On the one hand, it is a positive sign that the employment contract concluded with the Union of Workers loading and unloading by trade union officials operators working in a central market logistics center, one of their last major projects .

Moyano challenged this agreement successfully at the Ministry of Labor. The file has been approved by Dante Sica's Ministry of Production and Labor. "EThe union adapted its collective agreement to the needs of the company. It is an agreement between the company and the union, and we only approve of it, "said the minister.

The head of the trading company Armando Cavalieri has followed in the footsteps of the trucker, who also aspires to gain weight through his register of affiliates based on new technologies. He was not lucky either, despite the fact that he was one of the closest leaders of macrismo.

For Galperin, the bracelet with Moyano would be determined and won. Not the case with the Palazzo bank for the Mercado Pago application, Another initiative of the entrepreneur who wins accessions. The unionist warned that he would solicit affiliations from some 2,000 workers in the financial technology system (Fintech companies) and that they felt that they should be mentored by their guild.

"Where there is an application, there is a worker. And the worker has rights and an agreement. The financial system must be regulated. There are 213 fintech in the country and sooner or later this will be recognized as a banking task, "Palazzo warned.

Neither Moyano nor Palazzo expressed their discomfort to Fernández following the meeting with Galperin. Maybe they never do. "We are focused on victory in October, nothing more," said one of them.

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