The release of Nancy Pazos after the false news she gave about the death of Carlos Menem


“Nobody wants to give the scoop. Me neither. But Carlos Saúl Menem is dead. And this 2020 it takes everyone”, was the message on Twitter published by the journalist. Nancy Pazos December 18.

Immediately, the information provided by the program member Team flower (Telefe, Monday to Friday at 11:30 a.m.) was denied by the family of the former president, who continue to suffer from serious health problems after being admitted to the Sanatorium Los Arcos in Buenos Aires in a coma after kidney failure .

A few days after his tweet, which he then deleted, Pazos spoke on the subject with Intruders (America, Monday to Friday at 1:30 p.m.).

Nancy Pazos spoke to "Intruders"  after leaving Carlos Menem for dead.  Capture the television.

Nancy Pazos spoke in “Intruders” after leaving Carlos Menem for dead. Capture the television.

“In a chat of feminist journalists that I join, the rumor begins. Another confirms it. I continued. Until they asked me about the medium in which I write a profile on Menem. asked if they had confirmed it and They said yes, but by editorial decision they were waiting for the family to announce it. I finally wrote on Twitter, ”Nancy said, explaining why she provided this information.

“The one who called me to tell me that (he was not dead) was my ex-husband. He called me and said ‘I just spoke with the nephew.’ On contact, they called me from the newsroom and told me to get the tweet “, said the journalist, referring to the deputy head of government of Buenos Aires, Diego Santilli.

“I spoke with Zulemita (Menem), I have a good relationship with her. Obviously I apologized. She knew that was not true because she was in the sanatorium,” said Nancy, who apologized later. Antonella Menem, granddaughter of the former president, very critical of Nancy on social networks.

The tweet that Nancy Pazos posted (then deleted) giving the false news of Carlos Menem's death.  Antonella Menem came out at a crossroads.

The tweet that Nancy Pazos posted (then deleted) giving the false news of Carlos Menem’s death. Antonella Menem came out at a crossroads.

“What hurt me the most is having made Antonella (Menem) suffer even for a little while. She herself says that many reporters called her for the news. I didn’t report it, ”he said.

Finally, Nancy said: “It is far from me to want to hurt or to want to speculate on an undeserving situation. He was a garrón for them and at one point for me too. After what the networks say … forget it. I keep thinking about politics and they call me bad. Networks are a big football stadium where all the shit gushes out of anonymity.



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