The representative of Juan Guaidó in Argentina answered Nicolás Maduro: "Non legislative, yes presidential"


Juan Guaidó's representative in Argentina, Elisa Trotta Gamus, was the first to follow Nicolás Maduro's offer to advance this year's legislative elections scheduled for 2020 to renew the National Assembly (NA). ). He did it at the Faculty of Law of the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), before the question of TN and without towers.

"We are not asking for legislative elections, which must take place by the end of next year, we are clearly asking for presidential elections for the cessation of the usurpation"Trotta Gamus differentiated.

The reference to Buenos Aires de Guaidó, self-proclaimed "president in charge" of Venezuela, considered that Maduro "has obviously not finished understanding the message" sent by the opposition, the Lima group – which integrates ArgentinaUnited States and the European Union the need to hold presidential elections as a political solution to the institutional crisis.

Maduro, in the midst of a mbad event in Caracas, surprised everyone by announcing a change of strategy: "The Constituent Assembly has in its agenda the constitutional, historical and political badessment to advance the legislative elections this year ". Until now, the next legislation is established by the end of 2020.

Sunday will respect the deadline set by the European leaders as "ultimatum" in Maduro to convene presidential elections or otherwise, Angela Merkel (Germany), Emmanuel Macron (France) and Pedro Sanchez (Spain), among others, will officially recognize Guaidó as as "president in charge" of Venezuela. The head of state, however, proposed legislative proposals.

Maduro made the offer, but Trotta has already rejected it. Guaidó, who has the last word in the opposition, still has not spoken.


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