The rescue of Julen is delayed


Rescuers trying to get little Julen out of the well he had thrown out 11 days ago said the operation was entering the home stretch.

According to the newspaper La Vanguardia, which monitors the rescue live, the miners dig the last meter that separates them from Julen. Approximately 3.35 meters over a total of 4 meters were excavated.

The rescue operations were unexpectedly delayed during the night, as the miners were faced with a quartzite wall, an extremely hard rock that forced them to use microvolts to keep moving forward.

The microvolases make that the work is slower to Totalán because, when that is decided, the miners must leave the tube, to drill holes in the stone and to place the explosive charges. Then everyone has to go out, ventilate the well and remove the debris before continuing. This process takes about an hour and a half, to which we have to add another 30 or 40 minutes to extract the contaminated air and gases; then everything takes more than two hours.

A crowd is still concentrated in the square, which provides support to Julen's parents. Parents do not lose hope that the rescue will take place in the coming hours and continue to gather to respond to calls and messages they receive, sources said parents.

The 20 minute diary said that a team of psychologists is also found with parents to try to control and regulate their emotions in the face of uncertainties surrounding the rescue of the child and exceptional circumstances.

In addition to the mining brigade and members of the Civil Guard, to the rescue were added "three surveyors to this last microvoladura because we had to maximize accuracy, while we were very close to the completion of the horizontal tunnel ", said the spokesman of the Guardia. Civil, Jorge Martín, this Friday night. Once the horizontal gallery is finished, the last rescuers will be members of the judicial police of the civil guard.


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