The retail dollar soared 14 cents in the city and traded at $ 28.19 for the sale


The US dollar also rose again on the wholesale market, under the pressure of higher demand and pending the auction of Letes and the double bond, to close at 27 , $ 39. Negotiated volume fell by 7%, and the few dancing pesos on the market triggered interbank rates at 60%

The foreign exchange market worked with the uptrend on Wednesday pending the auction result of Treasury bills and the Dual Bond, in a quiet place where the total volume operated was low and

In this context, the wholesale segment the dollar price closed at $ 27.39 ie two [19659004] cents above of the previous fence.

It should be noted that on Tuesday the quotation had dropped due among other things, that its closing price is taken as reference for the year. purchase of bonds to be placed today.

Concerning the daily supply made by the Central Bank for a total amount of 100 million US $, by order of the Ministry of Finance da, the reduced price was brought to $ 27,528 per unit. A value very similar to Tuesday's auction

"The rise in prices was verified in the middle of the morning, and this made him touch of the highest at $ 27.59 It could not be maintained and after the auction BCRA values ​​returned to the initial level " summarized the operator Gustavo Quintana of PR Changes.

For its part, in the microcentro of Buenos Aires the main entities increased the quotations to a maximum of 20 cents, so that the average price around $ 28.20 compared to $ 28.05 on Tuesday.

In this regard, the Banco Nación offered the American currency to the public at the lowest price compared to other entities, at $ 27.90 for sale approximately ten cents more than in the previous one.

In contrast, the maximum price found in the city was $ 28.50 in Galicia, followed by $ 28.30 in Santander.

The ] the total volume mined was 7% lower than the previous, since it reached 539.1 million US dollars.

Concerning blue in the caves of the city the sale price is $ 28.65

Interbank rates increased to about 1,300 basis points on average Wednesday, at unusual levels of 60% per annum, for a notorious illiquidity before the new day ticket auction, with which the government seeks to rebadure the exchange, said the operators.

Therefore, a few pesos in the dance was baderted which encouraged a sharp drop in rates, which was also reflected in the "rest" and let ras & # 39; Lebac & # 39; secondary market

Finally, in the futures market Rofex year-end operations near $ 33.52, or 1.1% above the previous closing.

According to a report by the IERAL of the Mediterranean Foundation, the devaluations in Argentina were badociated with "recessive traumatic processes, due to the fall of consumption and the 39, investment, that exports have responded enough, largely because the real exchange rate improvements have been short-lived. "

He therefore adds that if it was the scenario of 2018 then "the resumption of the level of activity would be a distant objective ." The risk exists, and can not be ignored "

However, it warns that if this crisis is moving towards a change persistent relative prices vectors will appear that will allow a recovery " not so far in time " Although consumption is declining, production indicators need not necessarily decrease in equal proportion because" there would be more production on the export side or a temporary substitution of imports ". [19659003]


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