The return of the image of the virgin used in the Falklands | Chronic


After 37 years, the image of Our Lady of Luján who accompanied the Argentine troops to the Falkland Islands and who, after the capitulation, was brought back to Britain will return to Argentina. By my lord Santiago Olivera, military bishop, who has begun negotiations with his English counterpart, Paul James Mason, an agreement has been reached for the return of the image.

"The discovery was a coincidence.Last year, I read an interview with the British military doctor James Ryan, published in La Gaceta Malvinense in 2016, which showed an image of the Virgin of Luján who was in the military cathedral of Aldershot, Brittany "Explain Daniel Doronozoro, founder of the group "The Fe del Centurión", diocese of Quilmes.

From that moment, he undertook to do everything possible to repatriate the Virgin. After knocking on some doors, he managed to get in touch with the president of the Argentine Episcopal Conference, Monsignor Oscar Ojea. "When I showed him all the information, he was very excited and quickly started managing", said Doronozoro.

"The discovery was a coincidence.Last year, I read an interview with the British military doctor James Ryan, published in The Gaceta Malvinense in 2016, which showed an image of the Virgin of Luján that was in the military cathedral of Aldershot, England. "

"The British Bishop has supported the initiative, as a gesture of brotherhood that goes beyond the conflict"On October 30 in Rome, there will be an exchange of the image of the Virgin of Lujan against another similar image that will be delivered by the Argentine military representatives to their English counterparts, in thank you.

The meeting will involve veterans and Pope Francis, who will bless both images. The Virgin who traveled the trenches to give communion to the Argentine soldiers will arrive in the country on November 3rd.


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