The RGF has denied that the investigations against Ildefonso Guajardo are for political persecution


Ildefonso Guajardo was Secretary of the Economy in the government of President Enrique Peña Nieto (Photo / EFE)
Ildefonso Guajardo was Secretary of the Economy in the government of President Enrique Peña Nieto (Photo / EFE)

The Office of the Attorney General of the Republic (RGF) rejection the afternoon of this Saturday that there is a “Political persecution” against Ildefonso Guajardo, former Secretary of the Economy during the six-year term of former PRI President Enrique Peña Nieto, after having been linked to the process this July 9 for alleged illicit enrichment.

Thanks to a Release, the FGR recalled that the current federal deputy of the PRI was denounced by the Ministry of the Public Service (SFP) the 12 october 2020, which was integrated by the Special Prosecutor’s Office for the Fight against Corruption (FEMCC).

Further, it has been noted that Guajardo and his defense they had access to the survey from March 8 past, but to date they have not presented any evidence.

(Screen capture: Twitter)
(Screen capture: Twitter)

“Mr. Ildefonso” G “, and his lawyer have brought to all the media, since this weekend, their criteria and justifications on the criminal case that the two face […] Under this premise, the FGR responds that the assertions of Mr. Ildefonso “G” and his lawyer are absolutely false, in the sense that the case “smacks of political persecution”, and that they did not have access to tests “

It was pointed out that the charge against Guajardo Villarreal, refers to an account abroad, with a balance of 8,169,639 pesos. According to the FGR, the defendant assures that the said amount comes from the waiver of hereditary rights in 2014, he made half of a property that was bequeathed to him and his sister.

However, the former official issued “the act on this show in which his half does not correspond, in any way, to the amount he claims to have deposited from this source”.

Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland Ildefonso Guajardo and US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer pose for a photo as NAFTA talks close (Photo: Reuters)
Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland Ildefonso Guajardo and US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer pose for a photo as NAFTA talks close (Photo: Reuters)

According to the FGR, so far did not demonstrate the origin of this inconsistencyTherefore, the only option for the Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office was to pursue the case.

“At the hearing before the supervisory judge, the judicial authority again gave him the opportunity to provide the aforementioned evidence and also to request the corresponding referral of proceedings in his favor; and none of these options was taken into account by the accused “

They stated that if after four months and all the procedural opportunities to prove his innocence, it turns out that the evidence he should have given before the prosecution or the supervisory judge makes it appear to be a form of political persecution. , “This strategy, by its own weight, will demonstrate the truth about this particular.”

The SFP made a series of observations to Guajardo on its asset register, in particular for certain deposits in an account in the United States (Photo: Bloomberg)
The SFP has made a series of observations to Guajardo on its asset register, in particular for deposits into an account in the United States (Photo: Bloomberg)

On July 8, the former Secretary of the Economy and who was one of the renegotiators of the Free Trade Agreement between Mexico, the United States and Canada (T-MEC) assured in several interviews to media that the charges against him are based on the fact that he supported the campaign of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) in Nuevo León and seeks to be opposition member, something he said the government led by the president liked very much Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

“What surprised me about the representatives of the FGR is that they asked the judge to suspend my function as a civil servant, and clearly asked: we want him to prevent him from taking a protest as a deputy”

I also said he feels “The quietest in the world”, since he did not engage in any illegal behavior and that each of the charges “They have an explanation”. The investigation is already in the hands of justice; however, he pointed out that there is no arrest warrant against him and that you can leave the country with the permission of a judge.


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