The Riátiga tragedy: six brothers and a cousin died from covid-19


Health workers prepare to transport a covid-19 patient to the general hospital in Medellín, Colombia.  EFE / Luis Eduardo Noriega A./File
Health workers prepare to transport a covid-19 patient to the general hospital in Medellín, Colombia. EFE / Luis Eduardo Noriega A./File

Among the more than 100,000 deaths from covid-19 that are reported in Colombia from March of last year until this Tuesday, June 22, there are dozens of family tragedies because several members of a nucleus are part of this digit. An example of these unfortunate cases is that of the Riátiga family, which in less than a year and a half has lost seven of its members.

The Riátiga live in different cities across the country, but they have always been very close and the covid made them suffer during this time. At first it was difficult to isolate themselves and not be able to see each other, as they used to constantly travel to visit each other, but the quarantine did not allow them to do so and in the end death came to them. beat.

Edilberto Riátiga, one of the survivors of this family claims to have lived through complex moments because the pandemic has taken everything from him and he feels “With a broken heart and soul” by the situation.

“It’s a difficult situation that I don’t want anyone to suffer in life because it’s very hard, brothers who all our lives have been together sharing good times and everything, and from moment to moment. “other with this covid pandemic it took them a way. He took them from us without saying goodbye to us,” Edilberto told Noticias Caracol.

The man explained that six of those who died were his brothers and one was a cousin. Edilberto lives in Santa Marta, the capital of Magdalena, but his relatives lived in the center of the country and other parts of the Caribbean coast, which made the duel more difficult.

Her sisters Adelaida and Rosario lived in Bogotá, who died in Bogotá in June of last year; Idelfonso, who was a university professor, died in Barranquilla; Jorge Edison in Medellin; and Emma and Naida Amelia recently passed away in Santa Marta. The last loss of the Riátiga occurred in the last hours, Holmes Echeverría, the cousin of Edilberto has passed away.

According to specialists, it is no accident that several members of a family die from covid, since the genes are similar.

“Family groups behave similarly towards the virus, which could explain a genetic factor that predisposes them to developing serious illness”, explains Roque Medina, intensive care doctor.

In this sense, Edilberto called on all citizens not to lower their guard against the coronavirus and to continue to practice self-care measures such as the correct use of face masks, constant disinfection of the hands and maintenance of physical distance.

“You have to have a lot of respect against this disease. We must have all the biosecurity precautions and respect because it is a disease that kills. It doesn’t make people sick, it kills, it’s a war without lead, ”said Edilberto Riátiga, adding that in the middle of this fight he almost lost a girl, who was also infected with the virus.

The current situation in Colombia against the virus is serious because, according to the Ministry of Health (MinSalud) and the National Institute of Health (INS), 23,239 new cases of covid-19 have been reported in the last 24 hours. . In addition, the daily numbers of deaths from the disease have risen in recent weeks, and bed occupancy in intensive care units (ICUs) in major cities across the country exceeds 95%.

In this sense, the national guideline is that citizens who leave their homes, whether for work or leisure, do not forget to continue to practice self-care measures. In addition, the importance of getting vaccinated was reiterated. The Ministry of Health invited the priority population in steps one to three of the National Vaccination Plan to make an appointment to receive the dose of the biological product.


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