The rifle man's ride | USA get off the …


The President of the United States, Donald Trump, announced yesterday that he would revoke his country's status as a signatory to the Treaty on the Trade in Conventional Arms, signed by more than one hundred nations and regulating the world's trade. 39, weapons, ammunition and aircraft or combat ships. .

"The UN will soon receive a formal notification that the US is rejecting this treaty," said Trump during a speech at the annual meeting of the National Rifle Association (NRA), the most large pressure group in the United States in favor of possession of weapons

The United States signed this UN treaty in 2013, under the Barack Obama government, but the US Congress never ratified it. It has not come into force in the country, as in a hundred countries since. 2014

"We will revoke the effect of the US signature on this deeply flawed treaty and we will withdraw our signature," Trump said.

Then, the president signed a document in which, he explained, he had asked the Senate "to halt the process of ratification of the treaty" and to send it "to the oval office", where he had promised to "get rid of it". "Under my administration, we will never give up American sovereignty to anyone, we will never let foreign bureaucrats trample on the Second Amendment, and that is why we will never ratify the Arms Trade Treaty," he said. He underlines.

This announcement marks a new step in the Trump Government's trend to withdraw from international pacts, following its release from the nuclear deal with Iran and the Paris Climate Agreement. , as well as its plan to abandon the INF Treaty in August. Intermediate Reach) that has engaged the United States and Russia to eliminate many of their nuclear and conventional missiles.

Ensuring the US does not ratify the treaty is another step towards deregulation advocated by Trump. During a phone conversation with reporters, a senior administration official said that an important factor in his decision was the non-compliance of the treaty by other major exporters of 39, conventional weapons, including China and Russia. The manager, who requested anonymity, said that the United States had their own set of controls to guarantee the sale of arms abroad, adding that the Trump administration was opposed to any future modifications of the treaty. 2020

The NRA and other groups in the United States opposed the signing of the Arms Trade Treaty in 2013, on the grounds that it was likely to violate their constitutional right to possession of weapons. weapons. "This treaty was threatening to enslave their rights," Trump told NRA affiliates in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Trump promised that this powerful lobby, which gave $ 30 million to his campaign in 2016, will never "disappoint" them as long as he remains in power.

The UN treaty aims to regulate the trade of equipment such as tanks and fighter planes, missiles, armored warfare vehicles, helicopters for war operations and small arms.

Among other things, the agreement also prohibits the transfer of conventional weapons, ammunition or components to countries where it is determined, after a risk badessment, that they could be used for the genocide or war crimes. If you withdraw your signature from the treaty, the United States will join other countries that have never signed it, such as Russia, Syria, and North Korea.


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