The right and the escape | Varoufakis, former minister of the …


"The IMF is back in Argentina, they have given $ 9600 million to the Macri government to allow investors and oligarchs to convert their badets into dollars and get them out of the country." International public resources are used to support extreme rights and facilitate the flight of capital, "wrote on his Twitter account the former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis. The economist at the University of Athens questioned the actions of the agency that allowed the government to sell loan dollars to try to curb the dollar.

The board of directors of the Fund still has to validate the unprecedented decision that has aroused resistance among staff members who follow the case of Argentina. This definition and authorization for the new disbursement, in the order of $ 5.5 billion, will take place at the end of the IMF staff badessment. After visiting Buenos Aires last week, the mission returned to Washington to continue with its control.

The former Greek minister was one of the economists who had to deal with the IMF and who knows the costs of such an agreement. Varoufakis said that the crisis in his country was not over yet, although he managed to get rid of the program with the Fund. Whatever the case may be, Greece owes about $ 10,500 million and ranks third among debtors behind Argentina and Ukraine. Through his account in social networks, the economist called on the IMF and the Argentine government for deepening adjustment and debt to fund the capital flight. He said that it is the same process that sank his country. Unemployment, for example, remains high in Greece. The last official record reaches 18.5%.

In Argentina, the recession, soaring dollar prices, the austerity program and the financial stranglehold have made it possible to "contain" capital flight against the unprecedented values ​​achieved during the 2018 race. Possibility of intervention on the foreign exchange market without the restrictions envisaged in the agreement with the IMF – and its successive revisions – they have widened the room for maneuver but ignored the underlying problem: liberalization and deregulation of capital movements. Although this decision represents a new politico-financial eulogy for Macri, this decision also reveals the uncertainty that prevails within the organization in the face of the growing risks posed by Argentina, its main debtor.

During the first quarter of the year, the net formation of external badets amounted to $ 4695 million. Although this figure remains high, it was a decline from 6931 fugitives during the same period in 2018, when the dollar's rise reached unprecedented levels. The program of fiscal austerity and monetary adjustment as well as the increase in the exchange rate limit the size of the leak, but the intensity of the phenomenon does not weaken. Dollars acquired by individuals and businesses between January and March reached a gross value of over $ 18,300 million, 41% more than the same period last year.

Statistics from the Central Bank suggest that since Macri's arrival at Casa Rosada, $ 64,023 million has escaped.


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