The roar of dead stars | Opinion


The world today, as always since the time of the first wizards, revolves around the politics that govern the destinies of our today and our future. The problem is not the politics but the politicians who embody it. There are those who believe they are alive but, in reality, are dead stars that have long lost their strength and their light. As in the cosmos, there are also politicians, regardless of their age, who have long since disappeared because they have become infertile and have lost the timer.

If we wanted to describe the current political landscape in Brazil, in Latin America and even in old Europe, we could use the similarity with what happens in the cosmos, where specialists explain that "the center of our galaxy is full of young and old stars, black holes and other stellar body varieties, all a swarm around a supermbadive black hole called Sagittarius A. "

In addition, many of these stars, including some politicians, although they have died, could "scream" and feed on pet stars, astrophysicists say. Metaphorical screams that are scary too.

Brazil is actually experiencing a stellar cataclysm in which we hear echoes of authoritarianism and nostalgia for past dictatorships that are not even concealed. Even last Monday, Carlos, one of the three political children of President Bolsonaro, adviser to the important Mayor of Rio de Janeiro, caused an earthquake when writing on the networks: " The transformation desired by Brazil will not be done democratically. " The allusion to the need to use dictatorial methods was obvious. The counselor went on to write: "I see a wheel spinning on its own axis every day and those who have always dominated us continue to do so in different ways."

Felipe Santa Cruz, the current president of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB), whose father is one of the disappeared under the military dictatorship, said: "We can not accept a family of dictators "and added:" The Bolsonaro family has a history of declarations in favor of the military dictatorship from 64 to 85. "From dictatorship and torture, always exalted by Bolsonaro.

And it is true that the statements of Carlos Bolsonaro can not be considered as a personal error of the young politician who was already a municipal councilor for 17 years. The most serious is that his father, the President of Brazil, who was recovering at the hospital in Sao Paulo after a hernia operation and sent him photos of him walking in the corridor of the health center, n ' did not do anything. blames the statements of his son, whom he regards as his pit bull, his watchdog.

The problem is that in Brazil, everyone knows that the reserve's governor, Jair Bolsonaro, is the governor of the reserve, but also his three children: Senator Flavio, MP Eduardo and dynamic advisor Carlos, considered as a genius of the Internet. It was he who organized his father's election campaign on social media. At this moment, he has just asked for his resignation as an advisor to devote himself, once again, to animating in the networks the most fanatical and loyal followers who were diminishing with the sudden fall in the popularity of the president who enjoys 29%, which has never happened in the first eight months of government of any of the former presidents of Brazilian democracy.

There are those who defend today that poets should stop using words such as stars, moon or suns in their compositions. They forget that few realities evoke, even in politics, as many images and metaphors as the mystery of the cosmos. Is it not the scientists who remind us that we humans are "kneaded with the same dust as the stars"? We are pieces of the universe.

And if the starry sky, which fascinates young and old, can never abandon the images of poetic creation, the complex and confusing world of politics, populated for example by stars that no longer exist even We create alive. And what is worse, this dead still screaming death threatening and nourishing the living.

According to science, it is true that some stars fascinate by their brightness and no longer exist. Like many politicians at all levels of power, they are already dead, even if they are still voracious. And these politicians are today at the center of our pessimism. They believe that they are alive, they want to eat the world, bring it back to the times of extermination and slaves, and still scream in the night long knives of betrayals and plots.

And if it is the pessimism of reason and heart that drives us to despise the noble art of politics that has always governed the planet, there is also, I do not say optimism, a word that I do not like, but the hope that, and vice versa, there are already born and living stars in the cosmos, although their distant light has not yet reached us. It is the hope that something new will be prepared, without screams or betrayals, but with songs of peace and dialogue and with the will to create a less inhuman world so that the stars that will arrive one day, instead of scream Old wars, sing us worms of life.

I think that today, here, in Brazil, a country that lives a moment in which there are more screams of dead stars and even voracious than hymns of freedom, I see with joy that the living, of all the signs, gather in a big hug against the barbarity that they want to impose. We have seen it in the mbadive and national reaction, especially among the youngest, against the arbitrariness of the evangelical mayor of Rio, Marcelo Crivella, who sent the police to the big party of the Book Biennial visited by thousands children. remove a book of youth literature, drawings, where two young people kissed each other.

And we are witnessing this reaction against the politicians, dead stars and followers of the violent and authoritarian captain, who would like to make the country a theocracy presided over by the Bible rather than by the Constitution and a country armed with a means to kill freely. A country without freedom of expression in which it openly mocks the defense of the rights of the man who dreams to abolish.

Precisely, the dangerous statements of the son of Bolsonaro insinuating that his father will not be able to transform this country "by democratic means", have arrived when journalists and intellectuals of all political formations and all political groups and all political formations have been brought together. newspapers to reaffirm the right to freedom of expression and against any kind of censorship or threat to the media. Carla Jiménez, director of EL PAÍS Brasil, insisted, for example, on the need for journalists to become "a sounding board", as she said: "We are not allowed to" 39; abandon. "

Brazil, which was suddenly hit by authoritarian and illegal measures that presage a danger to freedoms, began to wake up. The responsibility is great. History has taught us that, slipping slipping, without the ability to react, it is easy to end up in the abyss.

The NO to the restriction of democratically won freedoms and to the transformation of the Constitution, which we wish to change from secular to confessional, must be clear and energetic if we do not want to cry tomorrow, or who will follow us, for our complicity with politics is more seen as a set of dead stars than a cosmos that evolves in this wonderful balance whose miracle surprises us the more we know it.

He fascinates the cosmos because his mystery and his greatness excite us. Astrophysicists, nothing is commonplace. By transferring it to our political world, we could say that we are at the antipodes of this greatness. Today, in her, as the philosopher Alain Deneault has just denounced, the important thing is the "mediocrity" and "the important thing is not to avoid stupidity, but to counter it to the appearance of the power". These are hallucinations of dead stars who still allow us to scare us with their screams.

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