The role is no longer: the bills will cease to exist from next year


"We are going to a new information regime that will exhaust all the retail business and the novel is that extends the use of the electronic bill to the final consumer ", added the manager.

He said that "in all places where there is a connection with the Internet, billing will be online, the standard will explain what the places will be ."

And he said that "the fact of there is a billing of one side and then a VAT report."

"This is how the most advanced administrations of the world operate allow us to access a digital book of life, and every taxpayer will be able to view it via digital support All bills of purchase and sale, "said the official.

He stressed that the new system will allow AFIP "to increase control in a very different way from the traditional ex post we now have."

In places where it There is no connectivity, the AFIP will have a weekly report of the operations by electronic mail.

Planned that it will be possible to charge from the cellphone and it will not be necessary. There will be no need to issue the ticket on paper, because the electronic invoice can be emailed.

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