The roof of one school collapsed and 100 children are stranded in Nigeria


March 13, 2019
– 10:03

Rescuers could not determine if there were victims among the victims. The boys were in clbad at the time of the disaster

More than a hundred boys were left trapped in a school in Nigeria after the collapse of a three-story building. The event took place in the city of Lagos, the largest in the country.

Rescuers still could not determine if there were victims among the victims. "The rescue operations of the Lagos State Rescue Unit are underway in a building that has collapsed in the Lagiaji area on the island of Lagos", indicated the government of the city of Lagos through his account. Twitter


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The boys were in clbad and the collapse occurred around 10 am. "It's terrible, the parents are crying, I can not bear to see that," Prince Adams said.

The man stated that at least 10 children were taken away but he was not able to say whether they were alive or dead.


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