The royal family sends Felipe back to the …


the funeral of the Duke of Edinburgh, wife of Queen Elizabeth II, debuted this Saturday in the St George’s Chapel, adjacent to Windsor Castle, after a minute of silence in memory of Prince Felipe.

The hearse, a hybrid vehicle designed by the Duke himself, arrived at the temple flanked by representatives of different military regiments and followed by his four sons in the front line, after a procession of about 15 minutes from the castle, before the start of the ceremony. with only 30 guests.

The British sovereign traveled in her own car, a Bentley, with a maid of honor, to the Gothic temple, where they were only 30 people due to the pandemic although the act is broadcast live on television.

The Queen, at the funeral of her former husband for nearly three quarters of a century.

At the doors of the chapel, the Dean of Windsor and the Archbishop of Canterbury received the coffin, which was installed on the catafalque while the assistants, all covered in masks, went to their assigned places to maintain social distance.

“We were inspired by her unwavering loyalty to our Queen, her service to the nation and the Commonwealth, her courage, strength and faith. Our lives have been enriched by the challenges she presented to us, the courage she gave us, her kindness, humor and humanity, ”said the dean in his welcoming speech.

The route of the funeral procession was demarcated by personnel from the Naval Force, the Royal Marines, the Highlanders, the Fourth Battalion, The Royal Scottish Regiment, and the Air Force (RAF) and cannon salutes were heard by the horse artillery of the king’s troops and the sound of the bell.

Also participating in the procession were the Duke’s two favorite ponies, called “Balmoral Nevis” and “Notlaw Storm”. Upon arrival of the procession at St. George’s Chapel, the funeral vehicle was received by an honor guard and a military band from the so-called Rifle Regiment, who performed the national anthem.

Members of the mounted guard lined the temple steps, while the coffin – covered with the Duke’s banner, naval cap, sword, and floral crown – was moved into the chapel. Sounded a nautical theme, known as the “still”.

Before the start of the service, a minute of silence was observed across the country in memory of the Duke and a shot fired by mounted artillery of the King’s Royal Troop marked the start of the ceremony.


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