The ruling party celebrated scientific support for …


The magazine The Lancet finally released the long-awaited data from Sputnik V, confirming that the vaccine was 91.6% effective against covid-19, and reactions from the ruling party and the opposition were immediate. Expressions of enthusiasm, such as “Es-pec-ta-cu-lar!” of the vice-president Cristina Fernandez, to the ironies and generalized recriminations of national and provincial officials against the sectors of Together for Change which campaigned for weeks against the Russian vaccine. This time the opposition leaders have remained cautious and silent. “It’s very good for the people. There were a lot of malicious people who said anything, who came to denounce me for having ‘poisoned’ the Argentine population for the distribution of Sputnik V. And it is good news which will reassure Argentines “, assured the Minister of Health of the Nation, Ginés González García, a PageI12.

After weeks of speculation on whether or not there is scientific data on Sputnik V, publication of an analysis of clinical trials in the scientific journal The Lancet was received as a victory by the national government. A victory which made it possible to defend the official health policy, as well as to “disarm” the media and the opposition campaign launched against the Gamaleya Institute vaccine from day one. “The opposition has taken this issue as a field of political campaign and declared outrages. They are looking for votes without having any ideas or plans, so they have to do it through mistakes, lies and criticism. first they said quarantine didn’t work, then there weren’t any tests, then there weren’t any vaccines and, when there were, they were useless. with envy and tomorrow they will start again with another problem, “said a health ministry official, who assured that although the news” did not surprise him “, it would serve to thwart” the preachers of hate, of lies and despair “.

“The impact of the publication of The Lancet it has much more to do with a political problem than a technical or health problem. This information is used to disarm the anti-vaccine and anti-popular campaign of a sector of the media and the opposition. One argument that has been repeated like parrots by people who have never in their life read a science journal and now all they know is that they ran out of argument to repeat, pero que mañana seguro van a encontrar otra mentira “, sostuvo el viceministro de Salud de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Nicolás Kreplak, a este diario. El funcionario bonaerense destacó que, habitualmente, las revistas científicas no se dedican a validar de la aprobación un medicamento, sino que dan indicaciones sobre su eficacia para determinados casos. De la aprobación is encargan organismos reguladores como la Anmat, que trabajan con la misma información y que, en el caso de Argentina, ya había autorizado la vacuna para mayores de 60 años Two weeks ago.

Several officials took advantage of social networks to celebrate the study of The Lancet and, incidentally, throw a stick against the opposition. “Es-pec-ta-cu-lar!” Cristina Fernández tweeted, accompanying the publication of a UK magazine photo and news headline about PageI12. “The excellent performance of the Sputnik V vaccine is confirmed in the publication of the results of phase 3 of the clinical trial, which appears today in the prestigious scientific health journal The Lancet“celebrated the Minister of Health of Buenos Aires, Daniel Gollán.” The magazine’s conclusions The Lancet on the Sputnik V vaccine, exposes those who have sought to downplay the efforts of the country that is already vaccinating. These are petty positions which play with the fear of the people but which also make ridiculous those who promote them ”, published the Minister of the Interior. Eduardo Wado de Pedro.

On the contrary, from the opposition, silence prevailed, except in a few cases. One of the first to comment was the former Secretary of Health of the Nation, Adolfo rubinstein, who in the past had questioned that there had been “opacity in communication”. “This is very good news,” Rubinstein said. If the former head of macrismo again raised an objection that “public confidence is not based on what you think or want but on transparency”, he ended up concluding that the publication was “reassuring “and that it allowed” to calm the waters a little. in this context of global uncertainty. ”

The Minister of Health of Buenos Aires, Fernan Quirós, also commented at a press conference, where he celebrated “that the technical information has been released and is in sight” so that, henceforth, “it is within the grasp of every doctor to read the article and make recommendations to patients “. This Wednesday morning, there will be a press conference where the minister is expected to give more details.

Who did not make a statement was Elisa Carrió, who, at the end of December, had denounced the government for “poisoning” and “fraud in the public administration”. This newspaper contacted to find out if, in front of the publication in the British magazine, it would uphold the complaint, but they could not give an answer. The PRO chairman also did not comment. Patricia bullrich, who repeatedly questioned that the government had not purchased other vaccines, in addition to accusing the administration Alberto Fernández of “mismanagement” of those it had purchased. Silence was also chosen by the president of the UCR, the deputy Alfredo Cornejo, who had repeatedly demanded that the government provide more “transparency” about the vaccine.

Report: María Cafferata.


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