The rural exhibition of Palermo will give a message of support to the government


"This is the right way," said SRA President Daniel Pelegrina Source: SRA

Focusing on highlighting the role of the sector in the Economy, between 18 and 29 years old will be the 132nd

Rural exhibition of Palermo

The sample will have 400 exhibitors and 4,000 exhibited animals from all breeds. In addition, among other novelties, after more than ten years, buffaloes will return to the exhibition.

"We want to reflect and share in this exhibition that between 80 and 90% of what the Argentinean countryside produces remains in place in which it has occurred and that generates a growing activity," he said. the president of the

Sociedad Rural Argentina

Daniel Pelegrina
during the presentation of the sample.

"The terrain is to continue to put the back of this country in a very clear federal development model, with the possibility of being inserted into the city with our allies in consumption",

"After a policy of returning to the countryside, that's the right way, "said the leader. He added that "in the past" [por el gobierno anterior] regional economies had "the inability to export". He added: "Today, the doors are open again."

However, he pointed out that in the current economic context "the dairy industry is the most engaged, as 80% of its costs are dollarized."

Asked about the position of the Ministry of Agriculture and Agri-Food. agribusiness and there could be a conflict of interest, the former president of the entity Luis Miguel Etchevehere being today minister of agribusiness, Pelegrina said that this conflict "is already resolved and the ministry will have its corresponding booth."

In addition to the clbadic swearing-in of the champions, the show will have other activities, such as the Training Center and D & # 39; Agro Business (CNA) and Meat Week, July 18-23, with the Bovine Genetics Forum, the Meat Table and discussions on good farming techniques. There will be more than 300 finished steers who will be sworn in their different categories and a contest of
block test (media reses)

There will also be business tours (of agricultural and food machinery), CITA awards for technological innovation in the agri-food , and there will be live animal auctions, as well as televised auctions with more than 5,000 heads.

Another attraction of the exhibition will be to show the content of everything related to the area of ​​the city. Among other activities, the Cocineros de Petersen will accompany various meats, in its redoubt of Kitchen Show, and guided tours will be organized not only for the general public, but also for the technical professionals.

The show still has international relevance. On this occasion, he will have the visit of the G-20 Agriculture Ministers. "We want to be a window on the world and a commercial platform, we will have the opportunity to have the presence of Ministers of Agriculture," said Pelegrina

with ministers and the G20 leaders, the participation of Carlos Solanet, commercial director of La Rural SA, will this year seek to "show the agricultural country, bringing to the heart of Buenos Aires the strength of the sector".

This idea will be stalls of twelve provinces – Rio Negro, San Juan, Entre Rios, Chaco, Salta, Santiago del Estero, Chubut, Corrientes, Córdoba, Santa Fe, Tierra del Fuego and Mendoza, as well as the city of Buenos Aires Aires – which confirmed your participation.

The sample, from July 18th to July 29th, will be open from 9am to 8pm. General admission will be from Monday to Friday and will cost $ 120, while Saturdays and Sundays will cost $ 150. Retirees will enter for free Monday and Tuesday, Wednesday through Friday they will pay $ 75 and Saturdays and Sundays $ 150.

Main courses

Meat Week

There will be technical discussions and a discussion forum with the main references of bovine, porcine and avian production.

Swords and Auctions

Some 4000 animals were registered for competitions and auctions of permanent and televised copies

International Presence

Ministers and Secretaries of the United States Agriculture of the G-20 countries will visit the exhibition. Entrepreneurs will also participate.

Official Act

The Act at which the presence of the President of the Nation, Mauricio Macri, is expected to take place on Saturday 28th of this month

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