The Russian government has denied Elisa Carrió a possible "hacking" of the elections


Statements of Elisa Carrió, who denounced that Russia could intervene in the replicated elections in the Kremlin, did not go unnoticed. It turns out that a few days ago in the program Luis MajulCambiemos' referent said that in Cuba, former president Cristina Kirchner was secretly meeting with Russian agents for electoral piracy.

The spokesperson of the Russian Foreign Ministry, María Zajárova, He called for "not becoming the victims of these political stratagems".

In statements made public by Sputnik, the diplomat said that "Playing the Russian card has already become a political tool."


The crazy theory of Carrió: hacking and Russian services

Zajárova pointed out that "Argentina is a partner and a friend of Russia", but "everyone does not like" that.

"The relations between our countries are long-term and not cyclical, they are characterized by continuity, which clearly shows that the development of good constructive links benefits the main political forces and the wider segments of the Argentine society", he explained.


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