The sale of 0 km undergoes the first decline in two years: -18.2% in June (anticipate a "sharp decline" for the second half)


The registration of the patented 0 km car suffered in June from the first decline from one year to the next in two years, recording a decrease of 18.2% over the same period of 2017, reported Monday that the Association of Automobile Dealers of the Argentine Republic (ACARA). Despite this negative figure, vehicle sales finished a record first half, as expected Ámbito Financiero.

The number of patented cars in the sixth month of the year was 64,140, ​​ which shows a drop in comparison with the same month of 2017, since in June of the year 39, last year they were registered 78,396 units

Also the decrease is 17.2% in consecutive months since in May this year 77,417 units had been patented.

In this way, the accumulated first half of the year stands at 500 500, which maintains a growth of by 10.4% compared to the same period of 2017 when 453,463 vehicles had been registered. Whatever the case may be, in the sector anticipate a complex second half with a marked drop in sales.

"The numbers confront us with the paradox that we are ending the best first half of history, surpbading the 2013 of 500 units, but with a declining market, we see a decrease in the annual comparison with June 2017 and a deceleration from May, "said Dante Álvarez, president of ACARA.

He explained that this situation is mainly explained by two major factors: "The first, the impact that the devaluation of the currency has had, with a sharp increase in the price of vehicles, in particular the imports represent 73% of the monthly patents. "

The second – it continues – " is related to the resounding fall of the bank financing, due to the rise of the interest rates, which Has practically reduced to zero, which is extremely complicated for our sector. resellers today have a stock level that is the highest in history, due to the abundant supply of models, and a demand that has become scarce and selective, and that we must urgently resolve.

"It will be necessary to see what market we will have in the second half of the year but I am sure that there will be significantly lower figures. In this context it is urgent to to tackle tax harbadment, mainly in some provinces and municipalities, which need to be badyzed so that we can have operations with basic profit margins and ensure our livelihood, "said Álvarez, president of the 39, ; ACARA.

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