The sale of used cars dropped after 18 months, but in the half year increased by 7%


Last month, the decline was 4% year on year, but the decline from May was very noticeable and lost 15%

Used car transfers fell 4 % in June. started last year and accumulates a 7% increase in the semester.

The Chamber of Commerce (CCA) reported that in June 131,185 used vehicles were sold in the country, a decrease of 4.10% over the same month of 2017, when 136,787 units were sold.

In the accumulated first 6 months of the year, the volume reached 874,325 units, a 7.72% growth over the same period last year, when they sold 811,698 vehicles

However, compared to the month of May, when 155,129 units were sold, the decrease reached 15.43%.

"LESS THAN THOSE EXPECTED" [19659003] According to Alberto Príncipe, president of the Automotor Chamber of Commerce -CCA-, "the crisis is worsening in the market for used cars."

"It started in June with a fall of 4.10%, much lower than expected seen other sectors of the automotive industry". The businessman.

"The economic and financial situation of the country creates more uncertainty for the immediate future", he added

"At the beginning of the year, we started with a growth constant and interesting.The possible balance during the year, but constant increases in operating costs and low profitability in our companies tell us the opposite. "


Compared to previous years, June would mark the first loss after 18 months. In 2016, the sector still posted negative numbers and was unable to recover and achieve the 2015 results when sales increased due to lack of 0 km units.

In 2017, the situation changed and the market managed to recover. with positive months throughout the year. According to the business sector, this was due to the fact that owners of used models began to accept lower prices, artificially rising due to the lack of new units.,

Now the situation has began to get complicated, because although the prices have stabilized at reasonable values ​​and in the historical margins compared to units 0 Km., the truth is that the number of sales continues in free decline. Now, after 5 months of increases, in June the first drop was recorded and the CEC estimates that the second half will be very difficult over the months.


The sector also claimed a historical problem of the sector, as did the lack of funding.

According to Prince, this situation "is aggravated by the historical absence of financing plans, which are currently non-existent because of interest rates." All this combo makes that we have hardly any

Given this scenario, the professionalism of the sector will be essential to maintain the jobs generated.

Regarding the models preferred by the Argentines, the segment of used cars have not changed much compared to the most performing brands of recent years.

Indeed, the Volkswagen Gol is again the most requested model with 8,969 units transferred followed by Chevrolet Corsa and Clbadic with 5,907, the Renault Clio Mio. with 4.151

In fourth place is the first pick-up, the Toyota Hilux: 3.514m, followed by the Ford Fiesta with 3.354, the Fiat Palio with 3.341, the EcoSport with 3.224, the Focus with 2.768 , the Ranger with 2,746 and the Ford Ka with 2,593.


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