The same line | Political panorama


For President Donald Trump, it's a show of force. For the Ecuadorian President, Lenín Moreno, it is also a demonstration, but of servility. These are the categories with which the new Washington diplomacy seems to evolve in the region. The expulsion of Wikileaks leader Julian Assange from the Embbady of Ecuador in London, to be extradited by Washington, removes from both faces the strategy implemented by the vice Mike Pence and his friend the secretary of State or Chancellor Mike Pompeo.

Pompeo is an ultra-conservative, former CIA chief who, according to a long report by the New York Times, is an admirer and friend of Joel C. Rosenberg, "a very successful sales author and a powerful force in the evangelical movement" . Of Jewish father and Christian mother, Rosenberg lives in Jerusalem. Some of his books deal with the prophecies of the end of the world.

In 2013, they asked Pompeo's mentor on Fox News if the war in Syria could lead to end-of-the-world prophecies, the books of Isaiah and Jeremiah, to which he responded very seriously: "We do not do not know for sure, although it is possible because these prophecies have not yet come true. "

In a speech at Summit Church, Kansas, Pompeo said, "We live in an America where we worship other gods, we call it multiculturalism and we support perversion and we call it a lifestyle. alternative". He was referring to indigenous peoples and homobaduals, which generated a lot of controversy.

This person, who is in charge of American diplomacy, summoned Elliot Abrams, an anti-Communist fighter of the Cold War, responsible for the illegal military aggression and the espionage and destabilization operations in Central America, so that he collaborates in the Latin American business. On Friday, when Assange's expulsion from the Ecuadorian embbady was known, Pompeo ended a 72-hour tour including Chile, Peru, Colombia and Paraguay. The overall goal of this lightning race was to confirm the offensive against Venezuela and Cuba.

Prior to the arrest of Assange, the institutional media, instead of exploiting this aggression putting at risk what is supposed to be his own function, sought a way to conceal it. Two basic democratic principles, such as the right to asylum and freedom of expression, were crushed by this action of the Ecuadorian government promoted by Washington.

These media are trying to hide US pressure while victimizing the victim. They accuse Assange of "betraying" the right of asylum to comment on the situation in other countries. Moreno, a former vice president of Rafael Correa, whom he betrayed shortly after taking for granted, said that before throwing the dogs at Assange, he had "taken care not to let him." send to a country where he could be tortured or sentenced to death. " .

Through WikiLeaks, Assange revealed thousands and thousands of confidential military and diplomatic documents, in which he denounced the torture and war crimes perpetrated by US servicemen in places such as Iraq, the United States. 39, Afghanistan or Guantanamo, and received international recognitions such as Amnesty. International And for the same reason, he won the grudge of Washington. The asylum granted by President Rafael Correa at the time was based on the norms governing the right to asylum. In fact, these principles remain valid, which makes Moreno's decision so serious.

Despite efforts to conceal the pressures exerted by Washington, the reality is that in April 2017, the equivalent of US Attorney General, then Justice Minister Jeff Sessions, had called Julian's extradition Assange of "priority". . And current Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has called Wikileaks a "security threat to the United States."

Everyone applauded Assange when he aired the atrocities committed in Iraq and Afghanistan, and then espionage carried out by US intelligence agencies to other governments. The Australian computer journalist has become a paradigmatic figure of the entire planet, even for much of the American public. From this phenomenon was born the global consortium of investigative journalists responsible for disseminating offshore accounts in Panama, Panamanian newspapers, as well as Mauricio Macri. The extradition of Assange is only an exemplary explanation: do not play with the path scheme.

Former Spanish judge Baltasar Garzón attends the defense of Assange. He has a very critical look at this measure. But it also provides a more comprehensive overview of human rights policies of the Donald Trump administration.

In an interview with the online newspaper, "the United States is on the road to disaster." Recently, it has threatened to ban visas to members of the International Criminal Court to investigate such as the presumed responsibility of members of this US Army High Court in Afghanistan A few days ago, he withdrew his visa to the ICC prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, who, together with his collaborators, has been investigating since 2016 on the possible liability of US soldiers between 2003 and 2004, in war crimes committed in Afghanistan. "

Characters such as Pompeo who direct these actions that violate human rights, are those who are pressuring the conservative governments of Latin America to participate in a regional offensive against Venezuela and Cuba.

The conservative tide of expulsion of the people's governments of the first decade of the millennium in Ecuador, Argentina and Brazil has created right-wing presidents who, with their differences, have common elements.

Lenín Moreno, Mauricio Macri and Jair Bolsonaro both include the integration of their countries in the world through a policy defined in the 90s with a little joke as "carnal relationships" with the House -Blanche. Moreno is able to override the right of asylum as an offer to US President Donald Trump. Even when it is the right of asylum in defense of freedom of expression. Macri has granted installation in record time of three US military bases. And Bolsonaro recently visited the United States and became the first foreign president to take an unusual tour of the CIA facilities. These are extreme concessions and at the same time free because none of the three had nothing.

The United States has prevented Brazil from buying more wheat from a neighboring country like Argentina, and buying it from thousands of miles away. Washington has imposed a quota on steel imported from Argentina and Macri has been adapted to the American pork that no one wants in the world because of the swine disease of that country.

Argentina loses each time that it negotiates with the Northern giant, such as Ecuador, which appropriated the Unasur building. But yes: the United States has facilitated the relationship with the International Monetary Fund and its conditional loans.

This complete relationship of exaggerated subordination is common to all three presidents. Another common element is the legal warfare organized by intelligence services related to their US counterparts, major media companies and co-opting of a sector of the judiciary. The former presidents of Argentina, Ecuador and Brazil have been sued as a strategy to defame them or to deflect and overthrow them.

Lula is in prison in Brazil without any crime being proven. Correa is a fugitive in Belgium because he was given two days to appear in a court of Quito, which was physically impossible. And Cristina Kirchner has more than ten criminal cases against her. The amount only shows the intent of persecution to make show and scandal.

The three presidents have in common this subordinate vocation to Washington and come from the use of legal warfare promoted from there to fight the popular governments that they call populists. They have the same origin and one could even say, the same lineage, the same surname.


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