The SAT trained soldiers and sailors in tax collection and intelligence work


(Photo: REUTERS / José Luis González)
(Photo: REUTERS / José Luis González)

At least 110 customs officers, as well as 29 soldiers and 15 sailors, received training from the Tax Administration Service (SAT), in conjunction with the Ministry of National Defense (Sedena), in matters of tax collection and intelligence work.

This action, said Horacio Duarte Olivares, general administrator of customs at the federal level, is part of the National anti-corruption strategy undertaken by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), from the moment he assumed the presidency of Mexico, in December 2018.

During the celebration of the closing ceremony of the “Diploma in Foreign Trade and National Security 2020-2021”, Duarte Olivares praised the coordination between the authorities in fiscal matters and the national army with the Navy-Navy of Mexico, whose efforts are focused, in this regard, on the fight against corruption and smuggling, stressing that in 2020, there was precisely an increase in seizures made.


We have the task of our president to watch and protect the entry and exit gates of the country. Let us not lose sight of the fact that influentialism, cronyism and corruption are a betrayal of the Mexican people and now in customs we have accomplished a titanic task not to allow corruption, ”the official stressed.

He also explained that the country’s customs carry out 31 foreign trade operations per minute and collect around 900 billion pesos per year from the payment of contributions, revenues they allocate to social programs, pensions, scholarships, vaccines and the general increase in the federal budget. .

Besides the problem of drugs and drug trafficking, which is linked to customs activities, Mexico also faces the vast and well-integrated arsenals that criminals have become confronted with others or the federal police. Millions of guns have reportedly entered illegally over the past 10 years.

(Photo: Cuartoscuro)
(Photo: Cuartoscuro)

One of the most serious problems is that the majority remain in the hands of organized crime, i.e. between 2.5 and 3 million weapons arriving in the country, part of it is co-opted by the cartel itself.

According to a diagnosis of the Ministry of External Relations (SRE) that the newspaper consulted The day, 70% of the weapons came from the United States and only 30% from European countriess like Germany, Austria, Belgium, Italy and Romania.

However, there could be weapons that were made on another continent, but entered the country through the northern border due to US regulations. It should be noted also that a quarter of the 130,000 locals with licenses to sell weapons are located in states bordering Mexico

The places from where Most of these products would work in Texas, where there are 10,492 outlets; California with 7,962 of them and Arizona with 3,010. This means that in this region there are approximately 10,000 gun displays on the border between Mexico and the United States.

(Photo: REUTERS / Daniel Becerril)
(Photo: REUTERS / Daniel Becerril)

Fabián Medina, head of the office of Chancellor Marcelo Ebrard Casaubon, explained that As for illegal guns, Texas comes in at 41%, California at 15% and Arizona at 25% won this comparison.

He pointed out that the United States is the world’s largest supplier with 33 percent of global sales and a market valued at $ 52,000 million in just one year. “We demand greater cooperation from the United States to control the flow of illicit weapons to Mexico,” the official said.

One of the problems with the entry of illegal weapons is that many of them end up belonging to the drug trade. The study picked up by Mexican media reported that from October 2018 to December 2019, 4,432 illegal firearms were seized. In contrast, he added that it costs Mexicans 300,000 million pesos, according to the Mexican Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI).


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