The scandal of the king of Europe who refuses to have a DNA to confirm if he had an unrecognized daughter – 08/02/2019


The scandal for the king of Europe who would have had an unknown girl continues to grow Now, Albert II, sovereign emeritus of the Belgians, could face a daily fine of 5,000 euros for each day he refuses to perform the DNA test to check if he is Delphine Boel's father.

Judges of the trial for the paternity of Boël Last November, they gave Alberto three months to take the test., which has not been done yet.

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A new hearing is scheduled for next Thursday, during which Boel 's lawyers have announced that they would ask the king to be forced to pay the fine for each day during which the test does not occur. is still not carried out, reported the Belgian news agency.

The lawyers of the alleged illegitimate daughter intend to prevent the King Emeritus of the Belgians from absconding to submit to the test until a judgment is rendered in cbadation , third and final instance of ordinary justice in Belgium.

Alberto and his wife Paola, in 2008. The royal couple admitted to having had several difficult moments (AFP)

Alberto and his wife Paola, in 2008. The royal couple admitted to having had several difficult moments (AFP)

November 5, the Brussels Court of Appeal ordered Alberto II the DNA test, for which he gave a 90-day term.

The judges made this decision after confirming that Jacques Boel, his legal father, it is not your biological progenitorand orders that Delphine Boël's DNA be compared to that of King Albert II and Sybille de Selys Longchamps, biological mother and recognized lover of the former monarch of Belgium.

Its existence was discovered in 1999 following the publication of the an unauthorized biography of Queen Paola.

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When Baroness Selys Longchamps broke the silence, she detailed her relationship with the king for years, claiming that Albert II and Queen Paola were about to divorce twice, in 1969 and 1976, and published photographs of a young Delphine next to the monarch of the time.

Alberto and his wife, in the marriage of Queen Máxima in 2002 (AP)

Alberto and his wife, in the marriage of Queen Máxima in 2002 (AP)

Boël, 50, presented his first paternity suit to Alberto II in 2013. A few months later, in June 2014, Alberto II acknowledged in an interview with RTL Television that his marriage with Paola was sometimes produced. difficult, but has never admitted the paternity of Delphine Boel.

It is not clear that if the king finally agrees to make DNA and paternity is confirmed, it is if Delphine will enter as a member of the Belgian royal family, because the woman has never asked expressly he also did not ask for financial compensation: What he's always asked is that it be recognized that the king is his father.

Source: EFE


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