The scandalous images of two men killing a bear and his two cubs while they were hibernating – 03/30/2019


After several months of court proceedings, the Humane Society Foundation of the United States obtained permission to broadcast a images that show the most inhuman side of some people.

The video was automatically filmed by a hidden camera featuring experts from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game and the United States Forest Service. they had installed in front of the hollow of a large tree in which they spent the winter an adult bear and his two young a few months of life.

The authors have been identified as Andrew Renner and his son Owen.

The authors have been identified as Andrew Renner and his son Owen.

The family of black bears (Ursus americanus) mbadacred He lived without causing damage in an isolated place from populated areas of Esther, an island in the northwestern part of Prince William Sound, on the south-central coast of the state of Alaska (United States).

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In April 2018, two people armed with a rifle and a rifle approached the tree focused by the camera -without knowing that they were filmed- and shot without mercy against animals in hibernation. Hearing the first shots, the children woke up and shouted in dismay, as can be seen in the video of the automatic camera.

The recording shows how the Renners approach a hole in the base of a tree pointed with a rifle and a gun.

The recording shows how the Renners approach a hole in the base of a tree pointed with a rifle and a gun.

The two armed individuals, they continued shooting until they were sure the bears were dead; they then congratulated themselves for their feat and some selfies were made to record their great feat. In order to finish the machada, they dismembered the cub, wrapped their skin in plastic film and disappeared from the camera focus.

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The perpetrators of this action – which until now is considered illegal even in Alaska they were convinced that no one would discover the facts and even less their identity, but the camera left them in evidence.

They continued shooting until they were sure the bears were dead.

They continued shooting until they were sure the bears were dead.

After a police investigation, the authors have been identified as Andrew Renner and his son Owen.

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The trial against the two accused ended with relatively light sentences. Owen was fined $ 1,797 and sentenced to 30 days in jail for community service.; and loss of hunting license for two years. His father, Andrew, was fined $ 9,546, three months in jail and the withdrawal of a hunting license for a ten year term.

Owen was fined $ 1797. Andrew, with 9,546 dollars.

Owen was fined $ 1797. Andrew, with 9,546 dollars.

When she heard the decision last summer, the PETA animal organization issued a statement in which, ironically, she suggested to the judge in charge of the case it would also condemn the culprits to watch a full season of animal documentaries Earthling, told by Joaquin Phoenix (a bit like watching a season of Man and the Earth, of Felix Rodríguez de la Fuente).

Human society has been working for months to be able to distribute images legally.

Human society has been working for months to be able to distribute images legally.

The Human Society worked for months to be able to legally disseminate the images of this cruel killing beast, not only for exposing the cruelty of the facts. According to Humane Society, draft amendments to the hunting regulations that drive Donald Trump's administration will legalize in the future the hunt for bears and other wild animals even in winter and in hibernation.

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The video published by Human Society

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Actions such as those carried out by the Renners in Alaska last April "could be a worrying fate for carnivores in this state if the US government responds to its proposal." "If we do not stop this plan, tens of thousands of animals will suffer the same fate darker than the three bears killed by the Renners, "said Sara Amundson, president of Humane Society, in an informative note published Wednesday, March 27.

Source: The Vanguardia


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