The scandalous images of two men killing a bear and his two youngsters while they were hibernating


The son, Owen Renner, posed with the dead bear Credit: US Forest Service / Depto. fishing in Alaska

In April 2018, 41-year-old Andrew Renner and his 18-year-old son Owen Renner killed a bear and his two cubs in hibernation at Esther Island, Alaska, although it was banned from to hunt in this region of the United States. UU They did not know that a state camera was recording the crime.

The images provoked outrage and not just among animal rights advocates.

On Wednesday, the Humane Society, an animal welfare organization, released a video showing two men, a father and his son killing a bear and his two cubs during the hibernation of the animals.

The events took place in Alaska in April 2018 and the two men appearing in the video, Andrew Renner, the father, and Owen, the son, pleaded guilty to illegal hunting last January.

The first, 41, was sentenced to three months in prison, fined US $ 9,000 and revoked his hunter's license for ten years.

Owen Renner, 18, is doing community work and also lost his hunting license, but for two years.

Killing offspring of bears or female bears with their offspring is illegal in Alaska.

But men would not have been punished if there had been no video camera from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game and the US Forest Service. They had settled in as part of a study on the scene of the killings.

Most atrocious case

The recording shows how the Renners approach a hole in the base of a tree pointed with a rifle and a gun.

First, they shoot twice against the bear hibernating.

Apparently, the men did not know that the animal was with two small ones, until they heard them screaming.

Then they also shoot the cubs.

Two days after the murder, the Renners returned to the bear den to clear the evidence.
Two days after the murder, the Renners returned to the bear den to clear the evidence. Credit: US Forest Service / Depto. fishing in Alaska

The men removed the bodies and the son posed for a picture that the father took while lifting a leg from the bear's body.

In the recording, we hear one of the two: "They can never bind us (with the murders)".

And then he comments, "We go where we want to kill m *," according to the Washington Post transcript.

The men did not realize that their actions were filmed and two days later they returned to the hunting site to erase the evidence.

In addition, they put the bodies of young people in bags.

At the Renners trial in January, Alaska's Deputy Attorney General, Aaron Peterson, said that "anyone who hunts in the state must know that killing a woman with a youngster and then killing him to cover the event will result in significant jail time and loss of hunting privileges. "

He added that the poaching affair of the two men was "the most atrocious" that his office saw.

The son, Owen Renner, posed with the dead bear Credit: US Forest Service / Depto. fishing in Alaska


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