The scandalous "sexual" diagnosis by which a doctor suspended in Spain


A doctor in Spain was sentenced to eleven months of suspension of his duties by to diagnose a patient who has been "badly baded". The health professional left this humiliating diagnosis in writing.

The judgment of a court in Murcia, the city where the incident occurred, confirmed Wednesday the sanction for two serious mistakes imposed by the Ministry of Health. It's that in addition to the diagnosis, the doctor also Smoked during the consultation.

Screen capture from the diagnosis to the patient.
Screen capture from the diagnosis to the patient.

"The sanction resolution considers as proven that the expression" was used in consultation by the doctordo not be well baded"Referred to a patient, it was discovered that she had smoked at the clinic," said the TSJ of Murcia.

Likewise, the court stated that she had dismissed the doctor's appeal against the sentence while he had admitted to writing the "diagnosis".

For local justice, "the phrase written down in a paper that gave him in the request to be" not baded well " undermines the dignity of the patient"This is not only an unfortunate expression, as the appellant himself admits, but unacceptable in a medical consultation that should be respectful, scientific and based on professional ethics, "they added.

Consultation and "diagnosis"

The girl not only reported the doctor to the authorities, but she also told the episode about the networks. The event was produced in 2016 and, from that moment, the Ministry of Health of Murcia opened the investigation on the case.

According to the young woman, that year, she went to a consultation so that the doctor could prescribe the medication that she had prescribed the night before in a hospital taken by a doctor. fainting.

When she was in the office, the doctor gave her a cigarette, she refused, but he started to smoke. All that happened there was a surprise, she said: he refused to prescribe the pills because they would make him fat, he was badually insinuated and the diagnosis happened.

"Your conclusion to my problem is that I am badly badedas is, and if I was not the bad baded, it's my mother, "denounced the girl.


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