The scary case of the pregnant woman who was murdered to strip her baby | Chronic


It's been over a month since Marlen Ochoa- López19, left his high school on the west side of the city of Chicago, United States. That day, his intention was to go get baby clothes from a Facebook friend, for the boy who had been in his belly for eight months. Then he had to get his other three-year-old son to the nursery.

However, on April 23, her family received an alarming call from kindergarten. The young woman had not picked up her little boy. And from that moment, Marlen's comings and goings became a mystery. There was no trace of her and she was afraid of being kidnapped. In fact, they had to remove from the family home any picture of the girl, her son having been so upset by his absence, that he refused to eat.

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"It's a very responsible woman, it's not a person who disappears and leaves the house, I can not believe that she's gone, pregnant and abandoned her other son, there something is wrong here, something bad ", had told the press earlier this month, Raquel Uriostegui, Marlen's mother.

Marlen's body was found in a garbage can (Source: GoogleMaps).

However, uncertainty about the location of the young pregnant woman ended on Wednesday when her body was found dead in a home located southwest of Chicago. According to the Cook County Medical Examiner's Office, the girl was strangled with a wire. His death was considered a homicide. Even more, as the spokesman for the Chicago Police Department said, Anthony GuglielmiAfter having murdered, they ripped his son from the belly with the help of a kitchen knife.

According to police sources, the body of Ochoa-López was reportedly discovered after the arrest of several people from this address for questioning. Three of them remained in detention Wednesday night, but no charges were announced.

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Apparently, the same day that Marlen disappeared at 6 pm, paramedics from Chicago firefighters were sent to the aforementioned house in southwestern Chicago. They had received a call from Clarisa Figueroa, A 46-year-old woman who said she gave birth to a child who was not breathing ten minutes ago and who was "pale and blue". Once the baby was taken care of, the paramedics took him to the hospital in critical condition. As reported by the Ochoa-López family, the newborn in question was the missing teenager.

Clarisa Figueroa, Désirée Figueroa and
Piotr Bobak awaits his sentence (Source: Twitter).

It turns out that Marlene was lured to the house where she was murdered, by Clarisa Figueroa, whom she met through a Facebook group for young mothers. The 46-year-old woman had promised a large donation of clothes to the son she was waiting for. He indicated the address of his home and told him to go to the address on April 23. The day that strangled her and tore her baby from her belly, with the help of her daughter, Desiree Figueroa 24 years. In addition, Figueroa's boyfriend, Piotr Bobak, that would have helped them to conceal the crime.

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On the other hand, it was corroborated that the baby that Figueroa claimed to be his, was that of Marlen. His DNA matches that found in the toothbrush and hair of the 19-year-old girl. Today, the child, called Yadiel Yovany López for his family, he receives vital support and has no brain function, because of the way he was extracted from his mother's children.

The child is in a delicate state (Source: Twitter).

In the end, Clarisa, Marlen's killer, was obsessed with babies after losing her own 20-year-old son last year. His plan was to claim that Yadiel Yovany was his son and wanted to raise him as such. For the moment, the woman remains in detention pending trial with her daughter and boyfriend.


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