The scary signs that the shooter from Ohio gave to his girlfriend | Chronic


In the early morning of Sunday, Connor Betts he killed nine people in the city of Dayton (Ohio) and wounded 27 others. Dressed in a mask, a bulletproof vest, hearing protections, extra ammunition for his rifle. The .223 caliber badault and high capacity magazines, opened fire outside the Ned Peppers Bar, located in the Oregon District, in the city mentioned.

His ex girlfriend, Adelia JohnsonHe recounted signs that could have prevented the mbadacre and stated that the degradation was not a matter of racial hatred but that it was due to a mental illness against which the young man was living. He had long been beaten.

"It has nothing to do with race or religion, it's a man who suffered and did not get the help he needed."Johnson said in statements to the US newspaper NBC. The couple met at a community college and fell in love because both had mental illness.

Adelia was shocked by the case.

The shooter said at the time to his girlfriend that he had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and possibly obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD).

During the interview, the young woman recalled a series of situations highlighting a change in the behavior of Betts. Among them, he recalled that during his first meeting, he showed him a video of the mbadacre perpetrated at the Pittsburgh synagogue in Pennsylvania, where 11 people were killed; then he took her to a shooting range.

READ ALSO: So, they killed the shooter from Dayton, who murdered nine people

Not satisfied with that, Betts held a gun in his mouth, ready to pull the trigger. That the police shot him Sunday was, according to Johnson, "Exactly what he wanted." "People live every day perfectly well with a mental illness, including me, but he took the shortest stick … he had no help system."Johnson said.

Other testimony

Johnson's words were not the only ones to reinforce the theory that the shooter was not a mentally complete person. Lyndsi Doll, Who was also the abuser's girlfriend, told The Washington Post that the gunman was afraid of what he was able to do because he was suffering from hallucinations and was hearing voice.

"He sometimes cried for me and told me that he was scared of himself and was worried about hurting someone someday, now it is worrying."When Betts told him that he heard "Dark voices and bad thoughts" in your head For this statement, in fact, the girl has suffered anxiety attacks.

Doll went further and commented that the attack could have been avoided. "It could have been avoided 10 years ago, when I made this call, when the police questioned me and when I informed the school"he wrote on his social network profile.

Doll was with anxiety attacks after the relationship with the shooter.

"The school failed us, the police failed us, he spoke and wrote about rape, beheading and the complete destruction of all the members of this list, including me."added the young woman, still appalled by what happened.


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