The scary theory behind a missing frame outside London


Disappeared on his way home to Brixton, London, Wednesday March 3 at night. Sarah Everard, a marketing manager, was at a friend’s house when at 9 p.m. she decided it was time to go. He said goodbye and left the planet. No one knew more about her. No one has ever seen her again.

After days of searching, the investigation took an unexpected turn on Tuesday night when police arrested one of his own, leave the british gaping.

Behind the inexplicable disappearance, the hypothesis of a murder at the hands of a police officer from Scotland Yard, something unthinkable in the UK, where such events are rare.

The policeman and a woman were arrested at a house in Kent on Tuesday. A building in Deal is being searched, as is a piece of land near Ashford.

A poster with Sarah's face on a lamppost in South London.  Photo;  dpa

A poster with Sarah’s face on a lamppost in South London. Photo; dpa

Metropolitan police said it was “shocking and deeply disturbing” that the arrested man was a duty officer.

In a statement, Metropolitan Police said the man and woman were being held at a London police station.

The Assistant Commissioner Nick Ephgrave he said the arrests were “a serious and significant event”.

Confirming that a Scotland Yard duty officer killed a cadre would be a brutal task for British police, unaccustomed to these events.

“We will continue to work at full speed on this investigation, but the fact that the person arrested is a serving Metropolitan Police officer is both shocking and deeply disturbing,” Ephgrave said.

Forensic scientists leave one of the houses looted as part of the investigation.  Photo: AP

Forensic scientists leave one of the houses looted as part of the investigation. Photo: AP

In a subsequent statement, he added that the officer was “off duty at the time” when Everard went missing. He also did not say if Everard knew the detained police officer. Or what would be the motives behind the events.

Who is the suspect

Local media report that the active Metropolitan Police officer arrested for Sarah Everard’s disappearance is being questioned on suspicion of kidnapping, murder and indecent denunciation.

The man has been identified as PC Wayne Couzens, 48 years old. He was detained by his peers a week after the disappearance of the woman, whose body is still missing.

Couzens, who is a Westminster-based diplomatic protection officer, was initially arrested for Sarah’s kidnapping, but the charge was later extended to suspicion of murder.

The police are looking for Sarah in a field.  Photo: AP

The police are looking for Sarah in a field. Photo: AP

Police revealed they were also questioning him on suspicion of indecent exposure. against a second woman, unrelated to the Everard affair.

Police said in a statement: “A man arrested in connection with Sarah Everard’s disappearance remains in custody at a London police station.”

Man belongs to Parliamentary and diplomatic protection command. Its main function is to keep diplomats.

“A woman in her thirties was also arrested on the night of March 9 on suspicion of aiding a criminal. She is still in detention,” the statement said.

Agents are now searching for Everard’s body at locations in London and Kent, including property in Deal and a wooded area near Ashford. Her family is devastated and she still hopes she will find them alive.

Looking for clues.  Photo: dpa

Looking for clues. Photo: dpa

Couzens was never involved in the search operation and was taken into custody Tuesday before midnight at his home in Deal.

Assistant Commissioner Ephgrave said Sarah was being searched hard.

“As the father of four young women, I can only imagine the anguish that Sarah’s family is going through at this very difficult time.”

On Tuesday, officers looking for Everard had placed a cordon outside a building in Clapham, near where she was last seen on Poynders Road and sniffer dogs were used to search the estate and Oaklands Gardens nearby. But they found nothing.

Police said officers visited 750 homes in the area as part of the investigation and that the force had received more than 120 phone calls from the public.

Friends and family have asked for help on social media to find the young executive.

Sarah’s uncle Nicholas told MailOnline that he found it all shocking and very disturbing. “We weren’t expecting a development like this and it’s hard to make sense of it.”

“I learned that a policeman was arrested last night from the media. I spoke to my brother right away and he was as shocked as I was. The whole family is and all our friends are too. . “

Clarín press room with information from the BBC, Sky News and MailOnline


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