The schedule for the second doses of covid vaccine to be applied this week | CABA and the province of Buenos Aires will give reinforcements to AstraZeneca and Sinopharm


The Province of Buenos Aires has already sent 1,200,000 citations to apply the second dose of Oxford / AstraZeneca and Sinopharm. The shifts are for this week, until Sunday 8. At CABA, this Monday and Tuesday the second doses of AstraZeneca are vaccinated and Wednesday those of Sinopharm. All will be combined with adolescents who have previous illnesses – in particular diabetes, asthma and morbid obesity – which were already mentioned on Tuesday. During the current week, news is expected for those who have the second component of Sputnik V on hold. Presidential adviser Cecilia Nicolini assured that a plane would come from Moscow and she and Minister Carla Vizzotti indicated that the first finished doses would be approved in the coming days in Argentina at the Richmond Laboratory. As advanced PageI12In the coming days, the results of five studies on the combination of vaccines will be known, in all cases with the support and encouragement of the Ministry of Science and Technology headed by Roberto Salvarezza. The last word will later be the National Commission of Immunology (Conaín), which could give the green light next week.

He is vaccinated mainly with second doses because the application of the initial dose of all over 18 years is almost complete. There are still cases of people who were not registered or who took a long time for one reason or another or even those who missed the appointments that were given to them at the time. Some appeals are addressed to citizens who have already been summoned two or even three times.

The District of Buenos Aires has already sent 1,200,000 citations for dose 2 of Sinopharm and Oxford / AstraZeneca. The Chinese vaccine booster is given three weeks after the first dose and those who have received Oxford / AstraZeneca will have it at about 55 days. At CABA, the appointments for this Monday and Tuesday are for the second doses of AstraZeneca and Wednesday for Sinopharm.

In both cases, quotes have been mixed, since Tuesday, with teens between 12 and 17 having a history of illness. This vaccination will be rapid, in less than a week it will be completed. For the moment there is the question of what will happen to adolescents without previous illnesses. There are those who believe that before vaccinating a 12 to 17 year old boy, it is best to finish giving the second doses every over 60 years. There is more risk in the latter than in young people. On the other hand, other specialists believe that all adolescents should benefit from a first protection because they circulate a lot and, therefore, are very contagious. The issue will be resolved by the Federal Health Council (COFESA), possibly on Monday.

That still pending is the second dose of Sputnik V which is behind in Russian production. The latest data is as follows:

  • Councilor Nicolini announced on Radio 10 that It is planned, in the coming days, to send a plane to Moscow to bring 2 doses of Russia. Nicolini did not say when the theft will take place.
  • Nicolini and Minister Carla Vizzotti said the Gamaleya Institute would approve Dose 2 completed at the Richmond laboratory “in the coming days”.. In the company of Marcelo Figueiras, 1,050,000 doses have already been carried out and another million will be added this week.
  • By next Friday, several or all of the ongoing vaccine combination studies would be completed. There are five in total. Those of the Ministries of Health of Buenos Aires and Buenos Aires, of the Leloir Institute, of the Imbirs and of the Ibyme, all promoted by the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Conicet. Everything indicates that the conclusion is that the combination of vaccines strengthens the immune response and the application is safe.

With the conclusions of the studies, there will surely be a statement from Conaín, led by Vizzotti and composed of immunologists from all over the country. As with Angela Merkel, who combined the vaccines, it is almost certain that Conaín will give the green light to this strategy. The logic is that it starts to combine before the middle of the month. Sputnik V, first dose, with AstraZeneca or Sinopharm or Moderna or even with Sputnik V first dose. This is one of the reasons why the vaccination enrollment of adolescents without previous disease has not been interrupted: perhaps Moderna vaccines are being used to make them a second dose of Sputnik V.


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