The school locks up girls in the basement for lack of payment [Internacional] – 07/12/2018


India.- Police are investigating the directors of a school in New Delhi, accused of having hijacked a group of five-year-old girls so that their parents could pay their debts with this school.

According to local media reports, 16 girls would have spent up to five hours locked in the basement of Rabea School

"I found my daughter sitting on the floor of the under -sol of the school, with others in tears ". New Indian Express, one of the parents, named Imran

"When we asked the teachers why they had been sent to the basement, they said that the authorities had ordered it because they were not safe. they did not receive payments for these students.

Another father, Zia-Ud-Din, stated that some children were detained while their debts had been paid.

"The girls had thirsty and suffering from heat, the police helped us. I showed proof of payment, the manager did not apologize or regret what happened. "

The director, Farah Diba, rejects the charges and alleges that the basement is the playground for the girls." Normally they sit there, but the fan was under repair that day ", was he told the ANI agency.

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