The search for the yacht continues with two Argentines: “Nothing is excluded”, said a relative


The yacht in which two Argentinian citizens were traveling, of which there is no trace since Tuesday, September 28, still does not appear and there is no indication of its fate.

The ship had delivered aid collected by various NGOs to Haiti and was due to arrive on the Mexican island of Cozumel last Wednesday, but never reached the port.

The modern ship, called “MOI Guadalupe”, was piloted by the Argentines Renzo Spasiano, 20 years old and Carlos Eduardo Juárez, 45 years old and owner of the ship and an American citizen, as well as a Cuban citizen, Martin Alejandro Vega Dam, who fulfilled the role of captain, and another Mexican, Denis Manuel Fernandez Diaz.

Luis Spasiano, Renzo’s father, spoke with the canal TN who have no news yet. “Yesterday I was on a particular search plane, but we didn’t have any kind of sighting of the yacht, we couldn’t find it,” he said.

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Renzo Spasiano, 20, is among the Argentines who traveled on the boat. Photo: Telam.

A yacht with two Argentines missing: they had brought humanitarian aid to Haiti

The Argentine Embassy in Mexico and the Consulate in Playa del Carmen had already participated in the research, in collaboration with the Mexican Navy authorities and the harbor master’s office in Cozumel.

The father of the young Argentinian underlined that on Saturday “the maritime security of Mexico finally engaged in research”. although he said there was still no trace of any kind.

Spasiano explained that “every 20 minutes, the boat sends a signal to the radar to know its position”, and that the last record he sent was on September 28 at 12:43 p.m. At that time, “they were 123 miles from Cozumel, Mexico,” he said.

“The problem is that the company of the spot and the satellite tracker tells us that they are separate pieces of equipment, that they have an autonomy of 10 days, and that they have stopped working at the same time. . Either they are off or the batteries have been removed, the two off have no way to locate themhe noted of the research.

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The notice to the maritime community for the disappearance and search of the yacht.

In this sense, the man added that the spot also has an alarm request button, “which in case of a possibility is pressed and the service company will search anywhere without any type of protocol. “. And added: “But nobody pressed that button, as they are very experienced people”, which generates all kinds of possible hypotheses.

Regarding the possibilities they manage regarding what may have happened to the ship, he said that “nothing is excluded”, even that it was a case of piracy. “By analyzing all the possible scenarios like a shipwreck, fire, explosion or whatever, there must be some residue. But no one found anything.” On the other hand, he also raised the possibility that the trackers “or someone will turn them off or remove the batteries”.

Finally, Spasiano considered that it would be extremely important that the American authorities join in the research: “We must try to get the help of the United States, because there are currents which could have stopped in Miami. . I hope we can count on your help to speed up research even further, ”he asked.

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