The second season of 50% cuts has overwhelmed the lines of boxes in the super


In front of the branches long tails were seen in moments of greater competition. There have been complaints about supposed "remarks". Rehearsals next Wednesday

The first "super Wednesday" of the new season has reversed the changuitos and cash lines of the supermarket chains that participated in the Banco Provincia bid.

Again, as last year, the proposal made to customers of this bank to obtain a 50% discount on purchases made with debit or credit cards resulted in a huge move of this consumer sector. 19659003] Since very early (most of the super open between 8:30 and 9am) began a ceaseless parade of people to the branches involved in this stage with the initiative (in our city those of Disco, Coto, Vea and La Amistad) . People came and went on foot, loaded with bags full of goods, and the same intense movement was noticed on the car parks of the premises, where they did not stop to enter and exit vehicles. Go shopping yesterday, for the volume of people who have moved, supposed to stay at least three hours in the supermarket.

Also on the closing time (21) there was a strong presence of customers in the various branches of downtown and neighborhoods

The profit, which is encouraged to encourage consumption and so beat the recession due to the decline in people's purchasing power, includes food in general, non-alcoholic beverages, cleaning products and all the products that make up the "care prices" within this segment. Perfumery and bazaar are excluded, as indicated on the large posters placed on the shelves of the merchandise of the different brands of supermarkets participating in the proposal.

This discount program will be realized, as advertised, the third and fourth Wednesday of the month until September and the same as last year, the 50% discount – which is obtained through a refund from the bank – is up to $ 1,500 a month, so it only lasts one Wednesday if the consumer can spend $ 3,000 in products. On the other hand, if it does not reach the top of the $ 1,500, it will have the rest that remains of benefit for the following Wednesday.

In La Plata the aforementioned signatures have joined, but in the cities of the province of Buenos Aires where there are The branches of Toledo, La Anónima and the Cooperativa Obrera can also benefit from the neighbors in these premises. With all brands adhered to the initiative are a total of 390 mouths throughout the province of Buenos Aires. The program reaches more than four million people, according to the estimate of Bapro, as they are plastic users of this financial institution all workers of the provincial public administration, that is to say thousands of teachers, police, penitentiaries, employees of the system The president of Banco Provincia, Juan Curutchet, pointed out that "last year, 900,000 Buenos Aires have joined this benefit and we want more people every day they choose Banco Provincia as a bank. "

In addition, the head of the entity stressed that" it is a great effort but the Bank is able to cope with it. because we earned more than 4 billion pesos during the first five months of the year "

Some objections

On this occasion, users of Bapro cards raised some objections to the program . One of the main criticisms highlighted the selected supermarket firms, "among the most expensive," he said. In addition, some have claimed that yesterday there was a "redesign" of the prices of some products.

In some cases it was also pointed out that the prices in the gondolas were not the most optimal, so much so that there were neighbors. They said that they paid a lot of attention to the values ​​of the products in the basic basket and that they generally compared them. "In the super neighborhood or in Chinese places, there are things that are cheaper, even with big price differences."

first and boom

In July 2017, when the initiative was published a "boom" of shopping, with waiting queues of up to two blocks in this case in the hypermarkets that had joined the program (this type of business was not included this year). It is precisely because of the number of people who mobilized the proposal at that time that during the second month of the experiment, it was decided to divide the promotion two Wednesdays.

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