The secrets of Macri's red phone


The secrets of Macri's red phone Source: archive

Ministers, secretaries, advisers with and without portfolio, governors, heads of different departments and different parties. At the head of the president

Mauricio Macri

There are thousands of referent names from different regions to consult, request, or (in many cases) ask for answers or solutions that require management.

However, according to people who regularly attend this area, the phone number that the president holds in his office, on the first floor of Casa Rosada, has only eight numbers. Written in capital letters, the names of the offices of the president are more than numbers: they represent proximity and enjoy the trust of the CEO, even if other close badociates are not on the list.

Able to remember by heart a distinction received in Italy, a trip of his time as an entrepreneur or someone who escapes his presidential mind, Ana Moschini does not feature one, but twice in Macri's phone. He occupies an office in the antechamber and, as he was with his father


for decades – at the behest of the president and responsible for many of his most kept secrets. Below you in the list appear the chef de cabinet,

Marcos Peña

and the media secretary, Jorge Grecco.

The political and personal symbiosis between Macri and Peña exceeds time and space: the chief of staff occupies the office attached to the office of the president by a door and a small corridor and is within easy reach of any question concerning the economy , international politics or relations with a lost ally. Whenever he leaves his office, Macri goes through the Peña gate, where he can see with whom his right hand is reunited, to whom he delegates "one hundred percent" according to those who frequent them daily, the Election strategy government. Grecco, arrived at Pro Space at the end of 2014 to work together

Horacio Rodríguez Larreta

, is another presidential consultation man on media-related issues and participates in interviews with the president, along with his spokesman, Iván Pavlosky, whom Macri does not need to have. on the telephone: since 1995, when he badumed the presidency

Boca Juniors

it's your shadow as soon as you travel or participate in an interview.

Five other names appear on the phone, all related to the president's past. José Torello, his companion to Cardinal Newman and legal counsel, shares a space with Pablo Clusellas, another former Newman who takes care of his signature of the legal and technical secretariat and abandons his very low profile when he speaks or play football in picados. d & # 39; Olivos.

Andrés Ibarra

he has known since he worked for Socma, is another of his historical collaborators, who now badumes the dual role of chief of staff and secretary for modernization. The three of them – accustomed to the presidential style of the president forever – are added

Fernando de Andreis

who is joined by a family link and who deals with his agenda of the General Secretariat of the Presidency. The list is completed by a newcomer in the presidential environment:

Gustavo Lopetegui

, the current advisor and secretary of energy, with two offices, one inside and one outside the Casa Rosada, s & # 's 39 is still focused on the numbers and figures of the economy.

Cabinet members as

Nicolás Dujovne


Rogelio Frigerio


Patricia Bullrich

, or consulting men like

Nicolás Caputo

and Carlos Grosso, also receive frequent calls from the president, even if they do not appear on the main list. "Call him or call Anita," talk to one of the ministers who receives the calls.

In addition to talking on the phone, Macri continues to use text messages at his discretion (always short, short and precise) and audios via


. With his friend

Juan Schiaretti

last Sunday, the 12th, it was communicated this way after the
triumph of Cordoba in the elections of governor. After receiving some advice, Macri moderated the use of audio messages, which could quickly circulate and reach unwanted phones. "It takes a little more attention now," warns one of his badociates.

In the same way, efficient and without sign of proximity, Macri congratulates the leaders who distinguished themselves by some accomplished or high level legislators who were able to "suppress" a difficult law. "Well done, it's all that he's written to me," said a Macrista legislator one day to whom the president wished to receive a pat on the shoulder.

Macri, they agree with him, he responds to each of the messages, even if he takes his time, hours later, and rarely delegates his personal phone. If he did, as was the case when his father died on March 2, it is because the number of calls received exceeds their response capacity.


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