The Senate sank the motion of censure against Defense Minister Diego Molano


The Minister of Defense, Diego Molano, in collaboration with the Director of the National Police, José Luis Vargas, and the departmental authorities carry out the delivery of the vehicle fleet of the municipality of Soacha and then demolish a property dedicated to the sale of drugs .  (Colprensa - Camila Díaz)
The Minister of Defense, Diego Molano, with the Director of the National Police, José Luis Vargas, and the departmental authorities carry out the delivery of a fleet of vehicles for the municipality of Soacha and then demolish a property dedicated to the sale of drugs . (Colprensa – Camila Díaz)

On the morning of this Thursday, around 10:30 am, the senators of the Republic voted the motion of censure against the Minister of Defense, Diego Molano Aponte, which, as expected, sank.

With 69 votes against and 31 votes for, the head of the Ministry of Defense will continue in the portfolio that directs the Colombian military forces.

Remember that Molano has been widely questioned by members of the opposition Congress for his management of the public force during the national strike that has been taking place in Colombia since April 28., leaving numerous complaints of injured civilians and human rights violations by the authorities.

During the vote, the government minister of Iván Duque received a “ distinction ” from several members of Congress from parties such as the Democratic Center, the Conservative Party, radical change, several liberals and some Christian banks.

Once the vote was over the result was known and it was reported that the no-confidence motion was flowing, the president of the Senate, Arturo Char, closed the session preventing members of Congress from responding after the decision. Aída Avella, Colombian Senator Humana, spoke about it.

After the decision, Minister Molano thanked the Senate and said that the vote signifies for him a “commitment to institutionality” and interprets the vote as “A vote of confidence in the Institution of the Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defense. This decision encourages us to continue working to have a public force and admirable soldiers and police. I also understand it as an exhortation to move forward and continue to protect the peace and freedom of millions of Colombians who do not walk ”, he expressed after finishing the session.

Here’s how the plenary went:

After the result in the Senate, representatives could no longer vote against the no-confidence motion in the House after the debate that took place last Tuesday. Taking into account what is stipulated in article 135, number 9, of the Political Constitution of Colombia:

“The motion of censure, if any, must be proposed by at least one tenth of the members who make up the respective chamber. The vote will take place between the third and tenth day following the end of the debate, with a public hearing of the official concerned. Its approval will require the affirmative vote of half plus one of the members of the House who proposed it, ”the edict read.

In addition, it is guaranteed that, as in this case, the motion of censure against Molano Aponte having been rejected, “No other can be presented on the same subject if it is not motivated by new facts. The resignation of the official in respect of whom a motion of censure has been promoted does not prevent him from being approved in accordance with the provisions of this article. Once a Chamber has voted on the motion of censure, its decision prevents the other from voting on it ”.

Sixty-nine senators have supported the administration of Molano Aponte, in the face of the constant abuses of the police and of power that continue to occur in Colombia. However, theThe 31 parliamentarians who voted for Molano to leave office spoke quickly and questioned not only the decision of their colleagues in Congress, but they also made harsh comments at the senior official who will continue in his post.

Meanwhile, several lawmakers from the Democratic Pole, Alianza Verde, Colombia Humana and other sectors who wanted Molano to step down recognized the legitimacy of the defeat in Congress, but claimed Defense Minister Diego Molano, would have “Forever recorded the responsibilities he had in social protest.”

The senator of the Comunes party, Julián Gallo, better known as Carlos Antonio Lozada, assured that the decision “too bad” and he harshly questioned those who voted against the motion of no confidence in the minister.


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