The severe criticism of the former Minister of Foreign Affairs Jorge Faurie to Juan Grabois, after being expelled from Colombia


The former chancellor Jorge Faurie strongly criticized Juan Grabois after being expelled from Colombia and was adamant about the trips made by the social leader. In addition, he referred to the surprise withdrawal of support for the trial against Nicolas maduro in The Hague, Argentina.

In dialogue with the information signal TN, the former official of Mauricio Macri He said on Wednesday that “it was difficult to understand” how Grabois was behaving. “One of the characteristics that someone must have who in one way or another wants to do a balanced job in the defense of human rights is that he has to go everywhere,” he said. said.

And shot: “This man is going to Bolivia, Colombia, but not to Venezuela or Nicaragua.” However, he added: “The truth is that it is not the important thing, but that we Argentines are aware that in Venezuela human rights are being violated and that we cannot look away, we have to be engaged. “

Regarding the brutal departure of the Argentine government towards the complaint against the Venezuelan president, Faurie said the decision “is very bad” both for the people of the two countries and for the eyes of the world. “Argentina has taken the wrong side when it comes to the defense of human rights”, qualified.

“They [los venezolanos] they welcomed us in this difficult moment of the military dictatorship and it is the moment to answer them. The decision taken is very bad and affects us all, as well as the opinion that the world may have of Argentina, ”he added.

On the other hand, the former foreign minister analyzed the possibility that Maduro terminates his mandate. “Within the Lima Group, we are trying to bring together the countries of our region, which have had similar problems to those Venezuela is experiencing today, to try to make the Venezuelan authorities understand the interest of engaging in a democratic and transparent process. It has been tried in different ways but there is no interest for Maduro in this dialogue, but in the preservation of power ”, He said.

And he concluded: “There are actors in international politics who have strategic interests and move their pieces according to specific problems. WE We are among the countries in the region that we feel deeply touched ”.


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