The sexual debauchery and waste that an expert …


The American sociologist and doctor Nicolas christakis risk in a book what the post-pandemic world will look like. In Apollo’s Arrow: The deep and lasting impact of the coronavirus on our way of life (“Apollo’s Arrow: the deep and lasting impact of coronavirus in the way we live ”), predicts something like the“ roaring 20s ”of the last century.

Christakis relies on behavior after the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic (the direct antecedent of the coronavirus) to make his hypothesis. It also analyzes other pandemics that have occurred in human history. The book argues that, During a pandemic, people’s behavior is geared towards religiosity, austerity, minimal alcohol consumption, and a conservative feeling that avoids risk. At the end of the pandemic, the behavior is reversed.

“People will no longer be so religious and will tirelessly seek out social interactions such as nightclubs, bars, restaurants, sporting events and political parties. We could see sexual debauchery, ”said Christakis, who predicts a post-pandemic marked by compulsive spending of money.

However, he clarified that this doesn’t necessarily translate into a whirlwind of debauchery for sex. “When the pandemic is over, people will tirelessly seek social interactions; we were able to witness some sexual debauchery, ”he said on Twitter.

“If we look at all the centuries of previous epidemics, it is clear that we are going to have an intermediate period during which we will accept the psychological, social and economic cost of the pandemic”, he detailed in an interview, and assured that this climate will continue until 2023, after an experience marked by a “terrible shock”.

The book recalls that the plagues have accompanied humanity since its birth, and that they appear in central texts such as the Bible The The Iliad, in addition to Shakespeare’s plays. The difference with the 21st century is that we have a real-time vaccine in our time. I am referring to the technological capacity we have to react in real time and in a year to have completed the third phase of testing is incredible ”.

For Christakis, the key moment is 2024, when the pandemic will already be a thing of the past. “I think it’s going to look a bit like the Roaring Twenties of the last century. And I hope that the economy grows and the arts thrive as our tendency to socialize accelerates, ”he said, while reaffirming that half of the world’s population must be vaccinated to get self. – saying collective immunity.

Christakis is a professor at Yale University, where he holds positions in sociology, ecology and evolutionary biology, statistics and data science, biomedical engineering and medicine. He was considered one of the 100 most influential people in the world in 2009 by Time magazine.


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