The sexual harassment of a deputy in full session which was recorded by the cameras | the Chronicle


The event happened in December of last year, but the public complaint came this week. Bullying is bullying! It does not matter whether it is moral, psychological, patrimonial or sexual, it is always a crime! “, wrote the Brazilian deputy Isa penna on your account Instagram last Monday, after it was harassed in the middle of a sessionnot

The publication stems from the aberrant fact of which he was the victim: the treatment of deputy Fernando Cury in the middle of the session and as he spoke with the board of directors of the assembly of San Pablo.

The abuse was recorded by the chambers of the legislature. In the video you see how Cury squeezes her from behind, puts his hand to her side and even touches her right breast. The deputy runs and quickly withdraws his hand. Despite this, Cury touches his shoulder again, causing Penna to be rejected again.

The deputy, who in her networks is defined as “Lawyer, bisexual, ecosocialist and 100% feminist”, he denounced it before the courts and the House authorities and the case was unanimously accepted by the nine members of the ethics committee last week. Yes on conviction, Cury could be suspended or even recalled from his bench.

Monday, counsel for the accused, Roberto Delmanto Júnior, assured that the deputy “He never intended to sexually harass his colleague”, who did not commit an offense, nor did not act with malice or sexual motivation in the episode filmed by the cameras of the Assembly of São Paulo.

As indicated by the G1 site, in addition to the ongoing process within the Ethics Council, Fernando Curand is the subject of a criminal investigation opened by the São Paulo Public Prosecutor’s Office. The prosecution noted that “The facts, in a preliminary analysis, may have traces of criminal offenses” and “crimes against sexual freedom”.

The MP is also subject to disciplinary proceedings within his party, Cidadania (citizenship), which removed him from his post after the repercussion of the case. The party considered that the sexual harassment episode was “Disrespectful” and “must be fought”.

Fernando Cury was reported by
Isa penna and you could lose your bankroll.

The day after the video was broadcast, December 17, Isa penna He addressed the plenary of the House and said the situation demonstrates the “political and institutional violence against women ”.

What gives someone the right to touch an intimate part of my body? My chest is intimate. It’s my body. I ask for the right to stand up and speak to the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly without being harassed. I am an elected deputy with 53,000 votes, I fight for women’s rights, I fight against harassment. Just because I exist, I deserve respect. I have the right to be here without being touched “, stress.

Cury then apologized for “hugging” his coworker and denied the sexual harassment. The ethics committee is expected to deliver its verdict in mid-March.

The video of the session that captured the moment of the harassment


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