The Sheikh Of Cristina – Infobae


Of all the scandals that the presentation of the book of Cristina Kirchner -Official election of the Fair, prohibition of free entry, aggression against a journalist-, the worst was a photo. And worse, I mean a picture indecent, irresponsible and heartless.

The photo is that of Sheik Mohsen Ali, invited to the act and located in the first rows, so that the lights can illuminate his famous figure. The scandal that his notorious presence – and not to no avail, the K team that decided to place him "has occurred is not due, of course, to his condition as an Islamic spiritual leader, but to statements and Cheikh's friendships, summarized below, for alarming data: clerk of the Flores mosque, appears in the complaint of the prosecutor Nisman as "one of the main facilitators of communications between Iranian fundamentalist groups and Buenos Aires"

He was also closely linked to the Iranian Cultural Attaché, Mohsen Rabbani, accused of being one of the intellectual writers of the attack on the AMIA, which killed 85 people and killed 300 injured.

It must also be remembered that Rabbani was one of the Iranians supported by Kirchnerism as part of its pact with Iran, which implied the withdrawal of the Interpol search against the members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards and the the most immoral scandal of all those who accumulate Kirchnerism: sell the skin of the victims to their tormentors, for fallacious interests.

For more irony – the iron of the bad – Moshen Ali tried to influence the prosecutor's office so that he considers the case as a "self-attack", that is to say. that is to say that the Jews had committed suicide. In the same delirium, he denied the Holocaust, spread anti-Semitic libels of the textbook and manifested himself alongside the Quebrachos – openly fascist leftists – in favor of Iran. His relations with Hezbollah are as narrow as his thinking, homophobic, misogynistic and anti-Semitic, as in Shiite radicalism.

From there, the question is the million: How is it possible that an ex-president and presumptive presidential candidate from a country that has suffered the worst attack in the history of South America, in the hands of Iran, thinks it logical that a Openly pro-Iranian leader linked to Hezbollah be in a privileged position? starting your campaign?

A leader whose ideology responds to totalitarian, intolerant and openly opposed approaches to democracy. And all this, with the deep concern for the penetration of Hezbollah throughout the continent by the Bolivarian regime and its domination of the criminal fabric of the triple frontier. I said, the photo is indecent, not in vain an idea-wastage worth adding Kirchner votes; it is irresponsible, because it eliminates totalitarian ideas; and she is heartless because she spits on the victims of the AMIA.

This article was published by the author in La Vanguardia, Spain.

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