The ship arrived with which YPF will be able to export LNG with Vaca Muerta gas


The Tango FLNG platform arrived this Saturday at the port of Bahía Blanca, with which YPF will transform the Vaca Muerta gas into liquefied natural gas (LNG) for export to the world (especially to the European and Asian markets) .

The liquefaction barge of the Belgian company Exmar will moor Monday at Puerto Ingeniero White and will allow the oil company to evacuate from March or April about 2.5 million cubic meters of natural gas per day (MMm3 / d), this which represents in economic terms about 200 million dollars a year.

Tango FLNG (who originally called Caribbean FNLG, because she was going to operate in Colombia) was built in 2017 and is 144 meters long (flag) and is the flag of Liberia.

As a unit without propulsion, she was transported from China aboard the heavy freighter MT Forte, flying the Maltese flag.

The Belgian utility company Exmar signed an agreement in November with YPF for the liquefaction and export of LNG for 10 years. There will be up to eight royalties per year on foreign vessels and one of the possibilities, not yet confirmed, is that winter demand reaches a peak load in Bahía Blanca and that the gas be reinjected into the port of Escobar to replace imports.

The barge Exmar replaces in turn Exemplar, the regasification vessel of the American company Excelerate Energy, present for 10 years to mitigate the effects of the energy crisis.

LNG is a product much in demand in the countries of Europe, China and Japan which, after the nuclear disaster caused by the Fukushima explosion in 2011, have converted their energy matrix and are more dependent on gas, a fuel that does not produce.

Argentina is thus joining the club of global LNG exporting nations (notably Qatar, Australia, the United States, Trinidad and Tobago and Nigeria). It is expected that in five years, volumes will increase after the construction of a gas pipeline.


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